Porn Survey: Think You're Addicted To Porn?
There are a lot of guys who are addicted to porn and it's destroying their lives. Take our porn survey below and see whether you are too. It takes less than 2 minutes and we have a surprise for you at the end.

Are you addicted to porn? Chances are you might just be and it could be affecting your life in many ways. That’s why we’ve developed a simple porn survey to see if you are in fact addicted.
How to take the porn survey
Our simple questions are designed to help you discover if you’re addicted to porn on not, but we can’t give you an accurate answer unless you give very honest answers. We’ve also added a little surprise to the end of the survey as a thank you for taking it.
Who should take this survey?
Anyone who is curious about whether they watch too much porn or feeling as though porn is having a negative impact on their life.
Here are some symptoms that can help you to determine whether you have an addiction or not.
- At work - If you watch porn at work on your smartphone, that could be a red flag as it’s commonly frowned upon to watch x-rated movies in public places, especially when you’re working!
- Multiple times a day - More than a couple of hours every day is another major red flag, as it means you’re now spending a considerable amount of time watching porn.
- Canceling plans - If you’ve ever cancelled plans with friends or family because you’re watching porn, that is most likely the biggest reason to seek help, as it will start to impact your social life and eventually your self esteem.
- Having a ritual - Picking a particular time and place to watch your favourite pornos is actually a clear indicator of an addiction which stems from comfort. You’re seeking familiarity on a regular basis.
- Erectile dysfunction - One of the common symptoms of porn overdose is the inability to gain and maintain an erection for long periods of time. You’re pretty much desensitized to reality and living in a fantasy bubble, that gives you a limp dick.
- Connecting with others - Do you find it hard interacting with coworkers or even romantically with women? If you do then, porn may be a reason for this. It could be distorting your view of women and others in general. You lack the fundamental skills of human interaction.
What to do if you’re addicted to porn
Ok, so let’s say you’ve been given the result of an addict and you want to seek out help. There are several things you can do to help you stop watching porn and start to get a grip on life.
Take note, because these work.
- Site blocker - Install a site blocker that will prevent you from accessing porn sites when you tell it too at certain times of the day. You can give a friend the password if you don’t trust yourself.
- ISP parental controls - Get in touch with your ISP and ask them to block any adult related content. What this will do is prevent you from reaching any sites at the ISP level, so even if the site blocker doesn’t work, this will be your backup.
- Exercise - Start building good/positive habits, like exercising. The endorphin rush you get from working out will help to replace the sexual rush you get from watching porn. Working out hard will also tire you out, so you won’t be thinking about sex as much.
- Be sociable - The feeling you get from being around friends and family will make you far more happy and fulfilled than you were before, sitting alone in a room watching filth on your own.
- Relax - Being mindful of your thought patterns is a very good way of understanding how you think and blocking those negative thoughts with more positive ones. Meditating will help you do this. Not a lot, just 10-15 minutes a day will help you to stay calm, relaxed and not think about masturbating.
By doing everything above, that should be enough to control your urges and prevent you from reaching for the laptop or smartphone to load up Porn Hub.
Porn survey conclusion
Most men aren’t actually addicted to porn, they just think they are. So if you go through the porn survey above and the results show you’re not, then don’t worry anymore, because it’s only going to make you feel guilty, when you don’t need to be.
Society makes you feel like you should watch less porn, but in reality you don’t need to. As long as it doesn’t consume your life and thoughts, then you have nothing to worry about dude.