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“Alpha Notes”: High Status Male – Article Archive

Meeting Women Takes Awareness and Preparation

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High Status Male

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If you find these High Status Male» articles useful in your life, consider purchasing the Without Embarrassment: The Social Coward’s Totally Fearless Seduction System. There is a Review of Without Embarrassment» available on this web site.

— by Mike Pilinski —

© 2003 Kipling Kat Publishing Co. — All Rights Reserved

Want to know a pivotal secret of the mating & dating game?   It’s that women plan, practice and prepare for this contest from a very young age, and (surprise!) are flat-out *contemptuous* of those men who refuse to play their expected role.

Sad but true.   Women put countless hours into prepping for the competition between the sexes… hair, makeup, style and look, clothing, etc. etc.   They burn half their disposable income on just about anything they can dream up that makes them more attractive to men.   Guys, on the other hand, typically put minimal effort into making themselves attractive to women… other than trying to stay within shouting distance of the latest clothing trend, I suppose.   For the most part, they choose to spend their time involved in sports or hobbies.   That’s because most of us figure attractiveness in men has to do mostly with good looks and money — beyond that the workings of the female mind are totally unfathomable.   So why even waste time pondering it?

Except that this lack of knowledge eventually returns to bite us square in the ass!

How?   When we attempt to PICK UP WOMEN — *that’s* when our utter cluelessness becomes horribly apparent!   Women have been studying boys since they were teenagers.   While we’re out playing video games and practicing our foul shooting — they’re getting together and debating flirting strategies with their girlfriends, figuring out how to communicate to all the cute boys using body language», etc. etc.   In other words, they’re actually putting some *effort* into the process!   They’re learning how to play the game of seduction from their own unique female perspective, and they are becoming BETTER at it every day.

Not only does our lack of knowledge put us at a distinct disadvantage, it acts as a complete TURN-OFF to a lot of women.   This is especially true of women who’ve REALLY polished their skills to a high level.   They hate guys who try to fake their way through the meeting and seduction process.   And they can smell a phoney from far across a crowded room, trust me.

Can you see now why you might be having so much trouble determining what women want from guys?   You can’t be good at something that you’ve put so little effort into becoming practiced at!   There’s no shame in lacking any of these skills either.   The Art of Seduction» does NOT come naturally to anyone — we all must strive to observe women and try to really understand how they’re reacting to our presentation of ourselves as men.   And then comes the hard part… we have to LEARN FROM THE FEEDBACK (mistakes!) and make the appropriate changes in our behaviors to get the results we’re after.

This is where a lot of guys goof up.  Learn ?  Change?  Blaaah! Because we’re all fundamentally lazy by nature, we just want to settle as quickly as possible on some kind of “move” that works for us (at least once in a while) and then just WORK IT TO DEATH.   I guess this beats practicing and modifying our behaviors based upon what we see, feel and — well… all that other friggin’ WORK!

Well, this approach might pan out okay guys who have great natural attractors working for them… a handsome face, great athletic body, the offbeat “artist’s” personality or whatever — but there’s a lot of shy, ordinary men who lack the natural ability to meet women simply because they failed to develop any ‘game’.   For *them*, the best route to success lies in learning how to take on women in their own home court.   And where’s that?…

In the deepest recesses of the female subconscious.

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This is an archive of a Mike Pilinski’s
High Status Male articles.

Mike Pilinski is the author of “Without Embarrassment»: The Social Coward’s Totally Fearless Seduction System“… a unique method of meeting girls that will have you making up for wasted time spent living in shy-guy hell from the very first moment you test it out. Check it Out Here =>

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