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Newsletter & Article Archive on Fast Seduction 101

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Newsletter & Article Archive

Archive last updated: March 15th, 2012
Note: The search index is not updated as frequently as new newsletters are made available.

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This is an archive of free e-mail lists and articles which are maintained by multiple individuals and businesses related to pickup, seduction, self-help, and general men’s interests.

By accessing this archive, you understand that the information contained in within is an expression of opinions, and they should be used for personal entertainment purposes only.  You are responsible for your own behavior, and none of anything you read herein is to be considered legal or personal advice.  You also understand and agree that any products you may order as a result of your reading about them in this archive are produced and sold independently from us and that any complaints, disputes or other issues which you may have with the sponsors of these products are to be dealt with directly with said sponsors and we are not responsible in any way whatsoever for any issues which you may have with them.  If you are not in agreement with any of this, please leave this site now.

This contents of this archive are reproduced here with the explicit permission of all associated copyright holders.  Visual enhancements and search features have been added by the webmaster to facilitate the reading and researching of the content.  Products, services, or external web sites mentioned or linked to in this archive does not denote endorsement of those items.  The contents reprinted here are the opinion of the original writer(s) and are not necessarily the opinion of, nor endorsed by, the owner(s) or operator(s) of  The archive enhancements are generated automatically and there may be occasions where the visual cues don’t correlate exactly with the textual context; most of the time, though, the enhancements are pretty accurate.  The archive is updated as regularly as possible, whenever new newsletters are delivered to us.

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