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Elvis had to suck in his gut
4/21/01 9:38:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Ike is looking for wings in Toronto. Contact him at qew***b@to***.net[ ? ]
Check out this site for some ideas:
We get plugged at the following free site:
This is an interesting site in that they aren't selling anything, only
making money when you click through to the "sponsors."
Responding to the post on hypnotically induced orgasm: here's the text for
online installation. I've used it effectively with several women. With a few
modifications, it'll work face to face. >:}
My Comment: This is an edited version of the brilliant Orgasmatron (you can
find out about it and other interesting stuff from MindList at created by Alex Axelrod.
ok... now just let your hands
relax on the keyboard...
because I'll be asking...
your unconscious...
to respond appropriately...
to what it is I ask of it...
and I'd like to remind you...
before you...
go all the way down...
and your unconscious...
can keep your eyes open...
through this whole session...
so that your unconscious...
can watch...
and understand...
at all levels...
what it is I'm saying...
in a way that's just right for you...
to go into a wonderful trance...
as you see the letters on the screen...
their particular shapes...
their arrangements...
and feel the sensations...
in your fingers...
and the support under you...
your unconscious...
notices other things...
like the sensations in your toes...
the sensations in your right ear...
and in your left...
and in between too...
the feelings of neurons...
firing in new ways...
ways that will help you learn...
really learn...
to go all the way down...
because your unconscious...
is the storehouse...
of everything you have ever experienced...
so while you allow your mind to wander...
your unconscious...
knows exactly what is going on out here...
your unconscious...
stores all your memories...
your experiences and learnings...
in one place deep inside...
the place where your identity lies...
the place where you can change...
and as you...
explore that place now...
your unconscious...
is paying attention out here...
and presenting you...
deep inside that place...
with new experiences...
and new learnings...
so as your unconscious...
helps you experience...
deep inner space...
in a new way...
you can notice...
the colors deep inside...
becoming more vivid...
the sounds...
can become more real...
and the sensations...
can continue to become more noticeable...
as your unconscious...
stays right out here...
at all the right levels...
to help you...
experience new things...
and go deeper still...
into deep inner space...
into that place...
where your unconscious...
can continue to present you...
with new learnings and experiences...
new ways to find new ideas...
new states and possibilities...
and your unconscious...
can help you go deeper still...
only as quickly...
as it continues to watch...
and learn...
really learn...
how to help you notice...
all the wonderful learnings you are making now...
and as you...
experience that place inside...
the place where you store all your learnings...
more fully...
experiencing the colors and sounds...
the aromas and sensations...
so much more fully...
your unconscious...
is regulating your body...
and paying attention to your safety...
your unconscious...
can notice as your breath slows...
and becomes deeper...
as you go deeper still...
your unconscious...
monitors your heart rate...
continuing to keep you...
functioning perfectly now...
and you can...
just continue to experience...
deep inner space...
so much more fully...
and vividly...
as your unconscious...
notices the toes...
on your left foot...
and as it does...
your unconscious...
can... only as quickly...
and as far as is perfectly safe...
and comfortable for you...
begin to lift those toes...
and only as soon...
as your unconscious...
has lifted them as far as is right for you...
your unconscious...
can type 1...
to signal me that it is done...
and it can go ahead now...
taking all the time it needs...
thank you...
MyFriend's unconscious...
as your unconscious...
makes all the adjustments necessary...
for you to go deeper still...
all the way deep inside...
into deep inner space...
aware only...
of what is inside...
what your unconscious...
presents you with...
leaving only...
your unconscious...
out here...
with me...
your unconscious...
can allow your toes to relax...
only as quickly...
as it has made all those adjustments...
and when it is done...
it can press 1...
go ahead...
that's right...
as I count from 1 to 10...
your unconscious...
can make all the changes...
and adjustments necessary...
to allow you...
to go all the way...
into deep inner space...
so that your unconscious...
is out here with me...
and you are only aware...
of what is in there...
and when I have counted to 10...
I will speak only with...
your unconscious...
as you stay deep inside...
in deep inner space...
going deeper...
into deep inner space...
as your unconscious...
continues to pay attention...
at all the right levels...
for you to learn...
really learn...
to go all the way down...
into deep inner space...
now that you...
MyFriend's unconscious...
are here with me...
and MyFriend is deep inside...
aware only of what is in there...
I would like you...
to signal me...
by typing 1...
thank you...
MyFriend's unconscious...
now you have brought to me...
a wonderfully complex person...
a person that you have kept safe...
and alive...
for over 18 years...
and you have helped her...
to learn...
really learn...
such complex behaviors...
like walking...
you have helped her...
to coordinate such amazing symphonies...
of movement...
all together...
perfectly balanced...
and you help her...
organize her experience...
you know the difference...
between how she believes...
and how she doubts...
between how she remembers...a
and how she forgets...
and one of the most important things...
that you...
MyFriend's unconscious...
do for her...
is you organize her experience of time...
I know that there have been instances...
in MyFriend's life...
where time seemed to fly by...
and there have been instances...
when time seemed to...
slow way down...
as if a second...
seemed like a minute...
or an hour...
and you are more powerful still...
you can make...
a second in real time...
seem like a day...
a month...
even a year...
as she experiences it...
and you can use that...
as is just right for her...
to experience wonderful new learnings...
MyFriend has come to me...
to have new learnings...
and experiences...
that will help her grow as a person...
and enhance her relationship with you...
MyFriend's unconscious...
so to start out...
I want you...
MyFriend's unconscious...
to remember fully...
the best orgasm...
MyFriend has ever experienced...
and as you do...
I want you to notice...
just exactly what spots...
seem to be the most sensitive...
to the wonderful sensations...
of her orgasm...
and as you find all those spots...
I want you...
MyFriend's unconscious...
now... to notice...
just how you create that sensitivity...
so that each time...
I say the words...
MyFriend, orgasm now
you can allow MyFriend...
to begin to orgasm...
in a new way...
when she orgasms in this new way...
the orgasm will last for 5 minutes...
in real time...
and as she perceives it...
it will last...
even years...
and with each wave...
the orgasm will become...
more and more intense...
only slightly more intense with each wave...
yet her sensation of pleasure...
will increase exponentially...
with each wave...
so that with each wave...
her pleasure can double...
until the orgasm...
consumes her body...
and soul...
and each cell of her body...
and every fiber of her being...
can become consumed...
in pure ecstasy...
total rapture...
wonderful, joyous orgasm...
that is better and better each time...
and all that...
will last for 5 minutes...
in real time...
and it will seem to her...
to last for hours...
even years...
as she perceives it...
do you agree to this?
answer now...
then you can now...
take all the time you need...
in the next 10 seconds...
to make all the adjustments necessary...
to create all those changes...
and when you are done...
and then press 1
to signal me that you are done...
and go ahead now...
as you allow MyFriend...
to forget consciously...
everything that went on out here...
and everything that she experienced...
inside deep inner space...
you can allow her...
to come right out here...
feeling blissfully relaxed...
and wonderfully content...
only as quickly...
as is perfectly safe and comfortable for her...
and go ahead now...
MyFriend, you can tell me when you're back :)
just take all the time you need
as I count to 5
to come all the way back
up out of trance
feeling blissfully relaxed
and wonderfully content
feel your fingers and your toes...
feel your ears and your nose
let your eyes focus on the screen
take a deep breath and be totally awake
alert, awake, and energized
you back? :)
Here's one for the ladies on the list: What does
it mean when a woman has an orgasm during intercourse, and then
starts crying? I'm sure I have the answer but it didn't come
from the source. I'd sort of like a female perspective on this.
Joseph (Response to Mystery):
>If they are hot and you WANT them, isn't our job to make the
>situation FEEL RIGHT? Isn't that why this is an ART FORM?
Well, why the hell else would I be reading this newsletter?
>Yeah, don't think online shit really cleans up your act. The game is played
>IN THE FIELD. Curious? How many women have you approached this >week? I
mean LIVE.
Approached is an interesting word, because I don't think of it like that. I
talk to women wherever I go. While shopping, running errands, etc. or when
going out. I don't go out to met girls, but I do go out to see bands,
visit friends/biz contacts and to get exercise. So I talk to women (usually
more so attractive women than non-attractive, because I don't enjoy talking
to ugs, but now I realize that this might be an Achilles heal, and may in
fact label me as a poon-hound and insincere, in the eyes of HB's) wherever I
go, whether I know them or not. I feel totally comfortable around women.
Some readers might remember that Christian guy Ross knew at college who got
hugs from every girl in the whole freakin' school - that's like me. I get
laid when one of them happens to develop a crush on me. All I do is cut up,
be a good listener, mirror if I remember to, I make sure I don't supplicate,
I try to talk about emotions and weasel in a piece of a pattern here and
there, and I do thoughtful/romantic things like sending a postcard now and
again and giving a girl a cookie when she's hard at work and in need of a
All of this emphasis you put on approaching is useless to me, so that's
maybe why I'm bored with it- I can walk up to just about any girl you put
in front of me and keep her laughing/talking until she gets pulled away or
has to go.....but that doesn't get me laid. I get the girls who want me, not
the girls who I want. Even the patterns/stories I've memorized I usually
can't bring up in a live conversation, because I'm too into the conversation
at hand and not comfortable enough with this kind of speech. So what if I go
out today and engage 100 women, like you seem to suggest - it's just a
matter of luck or basic animal attraction if any of them fall into my bed -
Meeting women and building rapport are old news to me.........I feel like if
I could just get to where I could do the pattern talk smoothly I'd be
deadly...if I could just remember and successfully implement these things
you guys teach into conversations I'm always having when I'm out anyway...
Also, when I go to a club the guys are constantly talking to me, cuz they
know me and I get respect and they don't want to be seen alone. I need to
learn to be blunt with them, I guess, because I only want to talk to women,
and they constantly take up my time. Also I become noticeably nervous when
Ug's take up my time. I'd be perfectly happy if the only guys I had to talk
to were you guys and my bandmates and business partners. If never had to
talk to another UG. But I guess I should learn to deal with that somehow.
>My METHOD includes a no holds barred in your face
>attitude (which is what we are attempting to have in
>the first place, right?) Are you afraid? Good, now
>go get her! You fucked it up? No worries, the night
>is young, there's another. GO! What went wrong
>there? The opener sucked? Try girl # 3! GO! Better
>results but the close sucked. What to do? There's
>#4! GO! Hell of a lot better (and way more fun to
>boot) than sitting in a room full of guys, bro.
>Anyone care to comment?
I thought I'd add my two cents to the ongoing
Ross/Mystery pissing contest.
I read up on all the SS/layguide/ pickup guide info on
the web. I built up a plan of action, and I was
determined. I read Ross's material, I read Mystery's
posts, I studied the stories and material. I recorded
patterns into a recorder to lay the groundwork so I
could create patterns on the fly, etc., etc.
But it didn't help much in real life because of that
"Anticipatory Anxiety" I experienced. Sure I did
approaches, got numbers, etc. I was taking the
shortcut, but it was still painful.
It was one thing to intellectually know I should do
multiple approaches. Heck, in his newsletter Ross
talked about how he spent a day in the mall
approaching every woman there until he overcame his
"Anticipator Anxiety." I knew about the "crash and
burn" exercise, but never did it.
Hanging out with Mystery turned the knowledge into
experience. Plus it added the important factor of
informed feedback and a great person to model.
His "basic training" of getting me to take action,
providing me with immediate feedback on what worked
and what didn't and his examples of demonstrating how
it could be done were the breakthrough I needed. By
time we parted, I felt like I was blind but now I
could see. So in giving credit where credit is due:
My life circumstances gave me the direction, of
wanting to learn seduction. The fuel or perhaps
direction if you will.
Ross's website showed me that there was a proven
method to improve my skills. It provided the chassis.
The people who contributed to the layguide and
pickupguide gave me lots of material. They provided
the engine/wheels/etc. (This includes both Ross and
Mystery and many others.)
Hanging out with Mystery gave me the ignition
necessary to get started. Well, a better analogy is he
gave me the turbo boost to go much faster.
Can you tell me a bit more about MM, how it
works and what it does? From what I can gather (and I might be
completely off the mark here) as in SS Patterns are the key, to engage
and lead the imagination, in MM you use stories to display/demonstrate
particular traits deemed to be attractive/alpha male» traits? I mean is
this along the lines of "This reminds me of the time I rescued 23
children from a burning orphanage..." because, and although I'm sure
they're not as crude/obvious as that, isn't it possible these stories
could be seen as bragging/showing off by the target? Kinda like dropping
names about who you know or hinting as to how rich/eligible you are? Is
there a web page where I can find out more or where there is an example
story I can have a look at? Or am I completely missing the point and
putting far too much emphasis on the story element of it? Your response
will be greatly appreciated!
My Comment: As mentioned here previously, Mystery has a Lounge (really a
website) and if you send me an email requesting access, I will forward that
to him as he has to be the one to let anyone in there.
I wrote:
> 1) Randi does not systematically investigate anything -- he
> systematically disproves things. There's a huge difference
> in outlook. My guess is, and I admit I'm reading your mind
> here, you're using Randi's name to make someone wrong, without
> taking responsibility for it. But hey, people do that kind of
> stuff all the time, so don't feel terribly bad about it if
> that is exactly what you're up to, OK?
Uh, just realized this morning in the shower that Mystery did not bring
up Randi, someone else did. Still, the rest of my email is dead on
>I keep meaning to comment on your topics here but.....I don't have the
>energy or inclination to get into Mystery's Elvis Is In The Building
>approach, which seems to have gained favor amongst your readers. Or is it
>just the vicarious buzz of reading his stories that interests your readers?
>It seems to me that his whole approach is based on weakness -- gotta pump
>up because being "me" isn't enough. I continue to rely on showing up, being
>Mark with much Markness, and women keep liking me. Go figure.
"Elvis is in the building." haaa, I LIKE THAT. Speaking of weakness, was it
a weakness that Elvis had to suck in his gut and take a deep breath before
performing? Or was he simply dealing with natural anticipatory anxiety? Do
you think he was a phobic needing fixing before every show?
>OK Mys, how Freudian was that? Blind dude...and when you are on the inside
>lookin' out you are fucking BLIND! OK, I owe you a beer over this one cause
>that's fucking hilarious. Mystery, I'm not knocking the lifestyle and you
>obviously know what you're doing with strippers and they are a boost to the
>ego, are great eye candy, provide all the social proof you need when your
>out on the town, and provide a wonderful visual when you're fuckin em'
>but......there's something missing from the equation, and that is
>emotion, real emotion. I will go to my grave (300 years from now) with the
>absolute belief that women that take their clothes off for money are fucked
>up at a core level and therefore inaccessible.
I guess I tolerate their damage cause realistically I'm damaged, too, then -
I mean, why would I need so much constant attention? Not enough as a kid, I
guess. I'm aware that I'm not NORMAL ... but at the same time I am not
attracted to NORMAL. NORMAL is ugly.
> I don't care what they tell you, if they are talking they are lying to
So what? So they lie. Big deal. They lie about who they are - they talk
about how they want to be viewed instead of telling us how they really are.
So what? I can still love them for who they are - this DAMAGE isn't SO BAD.
What, you want me to find a NICE GIRL who is NORMAL? No, thank you - too
boring, not enough GLITTER. I'm AWARE that the glitter is only put on them
afterwards, but hell, I still love the glitter.
> Anything you hear from me and Mystery has been poisoned by individual
Think about that: hasn't EVERYONE? The word POISONED is metaphoric.
Another metaphor could be HELPFULLY MEDICATED.
>Well, I can relate Mys. And MAYBE, because you CAN connect at this >level
is a HUGE reason why you are so successful with women???
YES. And my fuck up lately is that once I connect like this, I SHOW how I
can connect with the other girls in the room which fucks it all up - I need
to learn to pace myself again.
>This goes back to my
>point about women who want a man that can reveal his vulnerability, while
>still remaining the alpha male». You are manifesting this in your
>relationships, dude!
Yes, I think I am. Convey weakness (which I have) and they sympathize.
>Basically, all binary systems of logic fantasize about a mythic
>concept called "the absolute truth". They have that in common
>with the major world religions, Marxism, and various other
>theologies used to enslave humanity over the millennia.
To make an answer b&w we must also make the question b&w.
>Dualistic logic by its nature creates poor maps of reality: it's
>much truer to say that all statements bear varying degrees of
>truth or falsehood lying somewhere between totally false and
>totally true. True, all statements can be simplified to yes
>and no questions, but that just means that some clever bastard
>can choose which yes or no question suits his purposes best
>(why we despise lawyers): "Sir, have you stopped beating your
>wife yet?"
Since that is not a black and white question and implies or rather BEGS
another question, we call that question quite COLORFUL. My B&W metaphor is
not put just on the answer but the question.
>My guess is, and I admit I'm reading your mind
>here, you're using Randi's name to make someone wrong, without
>taking responsibility for it.
I didn't bring up his name. I am not appealing to authority here as you
imply. I use the scientific method even on scientific derived concepts.
>2) Exactly which sense of "rationalization" do you mean? Randi
> polemicizes, so I think he definitely shades into the sense
> of rationalization which means to prove a point with ulterior
> motives, which he actually makes no bones about. You have
> ulterior motives too, buddy. Feel free to acknowledge them
> whenever you want to.
Seeking the most REASONABLE answer to a simple question is the PRIME
motivation. Should we derive secondary benefits like monetary value for
spreading memes is beside the point.
>3) The axioms of all binary systems of logic (Boolean algebra,
> Aristotle's syllogisms, statistics) can be derived from
> the axioms of fuzzy logic.
And the other way round coincidentally. Think about that.
>5) Your accusation of MYSTICISM is nothing but name-calling.
> Your claim that TRANCE and HYPNOTISM are somehow COLORFUL
> terms, rather than technical terms describing known and
> understood human behaviours merely underscores how little
> you know. Just hogwash.
Blah. You are conveying NOTHING. These TECHNICAL terms cannot be translated
into concrete concepts. Can a computer become HYPNOTIZED? Why not? What
must we do to a computer to allow it become hypnotised? And what IS a
trance? Can you explain it from a PHYSICS point of view (from a
neuroanatomy point of view?)?
>Memes are behaviour patterns
> that transmit themselves from person to person simply by
> being observed; acquisition of memes happens instantaneously.
> Memes are things like the difference between up and down,
> seeing life as a journey, believing there is one and only
> one right answer.
Yes, they are all memes. Believing one simple b&w statement has more than
one conclusive state is also a meme. "The earth is flat AND round."
>Conditioned, learned behaviours take practice (doing it more than once) to
>perfect. You can't have it both ways, unless we're talking double
>Ironically, you're throwing memetics at this list, at a
>time when there still exists major controversy regarding
>the validity and usefulness of memetics.
I can find controversy with EVOLUTION, too - doesn't mean the controversy is
>Get the chick to a peak, then whisper in her ear,
>I LOVE YOU.......(draw back, get strong eye contact and say)
>IN GOD'S WAY. In my experience, good for strippers too, because
>they have to process it as a challenge of not being sexy enough)
>Also, leaves you wide open as to where you want to go with
>your follow-up on any chick cause you really haven't ripped
>her...and they usually have no fucking clue about how to respond.
Wow. Dude, that is warped shit. I THINK I like it. I'm gonna try it out
to see how they respond - I mean if some girl did that to me I'd be ...
confused. That's interesting stuff. "I love you ... in God's way." How is
the intonation?
>Brother Diamond:
>I've been trying to talk to lesbians and study
>them...what makes them tick and so on. Can anybody
>give any concrete info on why they view themselves the
>way they do and how it happens? It seems as far as I
>can tell it depends on how they view their origins,
>as either being born like this or just completely
>tired of men for good and turn to women instead.
>Any thoughts on this and the fact that most of them are assholes to men?
I don't have any scientific evidence, just anecdotal, but it does seem that
for the most part they fall into two camps, either "organic" or
"reactionary" and for the reactionary type, it's usually not just being
"tired" of men. It's usually some kind of hideous sexual abuse that has
triggered their lesbianism. Talk about anchoring...
I know quite a few lesbians, both organic and reactionary, and they are
assholes to just a small select few who are leery and disrespectful--the
types that try to get into lesbian clubs/bars so they can watch and beat
off. Otherwise they have a grand old time with the boys.
>Brother Diamond:
>I've been trying to talk to lesbians and study
>them...what makes them tick and so on. Can anybody
>give any concrete info on why they view themselves the
>way they do and how it happens? It seems as far as I
>can tell it depends on how they view their origins,
>as either being born like this or just completely
>tired of men for good and turn to women instead.
>Any thoughts on this and the fact that most of them are assholes to men?
I've been thinking and reading about this, too. In general, the "line" is:
lesbians insist that their sexual orientation is a product of "social
construction," whereas gay men are just as convinced that they were "born
that way" (for whatever that's worth).
In my view, you have to distinguish between the Butch lesbian and the Femme.
(The P.C. line is. of course, that no such distinction exists, but like most
P.C. statements it's much closer to being false than true.) The Butch is the
"husband" in the lesbian relationship. She's typically so tough and manlike
that she really has no other option. She is psychologically unsuited to play
the female role, and she is also usually quite unattractive to men. She
operates in direct competition with men, going out when necessary to try to
woo cute young babes. Who is/was a Butch? Camille Paglia. Gertrude Stein.
Probably Ellen DeGeneres, and Rosie O'Donnell. The Femme, however, is your
"lipstick lesbian", and she usually goes both ways. When properly wooed by a
Butch, she will be in a lesbian relationship for a while. But she is always
prone to "backsliding" into heterosexuality. Anne Heche is (was) a good
example of a Femme.
One reason that the Butch lesbian has an unquenchable hatred of men is that
not only are men (especially men like us!) her direct competitors, but SHE
IS LACKING in perhaps the single most important attribute that all her
competitors possess. Every one of us is physically better suited for
satisfying that cute young babe than is the Butch. Since practically any
woman would prefer the "real thing" to a strap-on, the Butch lives
perpetually in a state of inferiority and mental anguish. She's like a
one-armed basketball player who must compete despite her handicap. In
lesbian circles, it's generally thought that the absolute worst thing that
can happen is when your cute young sweetie runs off with one of those AWFUL
beasts - a man!
Gents, let's go out of our way to help the Butch's nightmares to come true.
Hit on those Femmes!
> Mystery:
> >Totally true. He's arguing ala James Randi. Obviously one of
> his heroes.
> Why is arguing ala James Randi a bad thing? The man is KNOWN for his
> brilliant rationalizations. This statement of yours is a GREAT
> COMPLIMENT. I respect Randi as does anyone with a penchant for
> systematically investigating irrational claims. Do I respect RATIONAL
> people? Fuck, yeah! What is WRONG with B&W thinking?
> (Let's remember that
> B&W is only a metaphor ... yes or no is another way of
> thinking of it ... or
> most accurately TRUTH or FALSE). A statement can always
> be simplified to a simple yes or no ... a truth or a falsehood. ALL
> KNOWLEDGE can be DIGITALLY ENCODED. ALL OF IT - information holds no
> MAGICAL quality - let's de-mystify it. If your mental model includes
> mystical notions like collective consciousness, psychic vampires and
> 'non-linear' thinking, or COLORFUL ways of thought like the colorful
> words TRANCE and HYPNOTIZE, then a more REASONABLE SYSTEM can still be
> found. Translating MYSTIC ideas into the language of memetics
> (specific length of information encoded in the brain) will result in a
> more accurate picture. Randi ROCKS. He is BRILLIANT ... although I
> doubt he gets laid much ... but that's another issue altogether. :D
I usually like your ideas but when you say that all knowledge can be
digitally encoded, I disagree with that. As an engineer, I used to have a
very linear thinking process. If there is something Ross's teaching has
given me, it is the belief that at least half (if it's not more) of what we
are as human
beings is not rational. I think that trying to explain people interactions
with a strictly reasonable system, is reducing an important aspect of
reality. Intuitions, feelings, suggestions and symbols are all things that
have a huge impact on our everyday lives and that can't be reduced to a
rational model. By trying to reduce these notions to a rational model, in
my opinion, is like ignoring the nature of who we really are.
cliff’s list advertisment section |
Cliff’s Comment: For those of you who are
just reading about this for the first time, I decided a couple of emails ago to add links
to these emails. The idea would be to get enough money in to hire someone to take
over the administrative work (and also to buy things which would improve this list, such
as proper mailing list software) for this list. If you were going to buy the product
anyway, just use the link that appears below and you are helping to keep this list going
at no extra cost to anyone. NON SEDUCTION-RELATED:
cliff’s free plugs section |
Cliff’s Comment: The following are all
recommended but clicking on the links and buying from them doesn’t send any money back
here (it is also recommended that the sponsors of these sites consider setting this up —
from the little experience I have had since I started the commercial section a couple of
weeks ago, I think you are missing a lot of business by not doing this):
This is an archive of a free e-mail list relating to seduction,
maintained by "Clifford". Your comments are requested, encouraged, and
greatly appreciated (note that comments from different people are separated by
IIIIIIII’s). If you know anyone who would like to be added to the list, or if you
would like to be removed from the list, send an e-mail asking to be added or removed to cli***f@cl***.com[ ? ]
and it will be done. If you would like to be added to the free joke list, just
ask. For those of you unfamiliar with the references to Speed Seduction»Â®, Clifford
highly recommends your visiting For those interested in seeing
the previous e-mails that were sent out ("the archives"), they are available on
request to Clifford or, preferably, can be browsed and searched at the archive at
By your accessing this archive, you understand that the information contained in within is an expression of opinions, and they should be used for personal entertainment purposes only. You are responsible for your own behavior, and none of anything you read herein is to be considered legal or personal advice. You also understand and agree that any products you may order as a result of your reading about them in this archive are produced and sold independently from us and that any complaints, disputes or other issues which you may have with the sponsors of these products are to be dealt with directly with said sponsors and we are not responsible in any way whatsoever for any issues which you may have with them. If you are not in agreement with any of this, please leave his site now.
This newsletter and the newsletter archive in general is reproduced here
with Clifford’s permission. Visual enhancements and search features have been added
by the webmaster to facilitate the reading and researching of the
content. The raw text as it appears here is exactly as it appeared in the original
e-mail newsletter. Products, services, or external web sites mentioned or linked to
in this archive does not denote endorsement of those items. The contents reprinted
here are the opinion of the original writer(s) and are not necessarily the opinion of, nor
endorsed by, the owner(s) or operator(s) of The archive
enhancements are generated automatically and there may be occasions where the visual cues
don’t correlate exactly with the textual context; most of the time, though, the
enhancements are pretty accurate. The archive is updated as regularly as possible,
whenever new newsletters are sent out.