A message from Formhandle, Fast Seduction 101 webmaster:
First, before I say anything else, I want to say Thank You for considering a donation to this site.
I’m not going to dance around the subject. What is this site worth to you? It’s a simple question. With a massive stroke of luck, you’ve found this site and the goldmine of knowledge that saturates it. Perhaps you’ve already used this knowledge to help you get laid, and every time you come back, you find new information that helps you even more.
This site gets a massive amount of traffic which is costly and time-consuming to keep going (you can see for yourself by installing the Alexa toolbar to your web browser). It needs a powerful server and a fast Internet connection in order to sustain availability, growth, and improvements (and to keep it free!), which forces me to depend a lot on donations.
Please consider donating to help out. It’s completely voluntary and anonymous, but go ahead and also e-mail me if you’d like to say “thank you” personally, maybe tell me about some of your successes. Some guys have made my day by e-mailing me about how the site helped them find the girl of their dreams… maybe you’ll be sending me a note like that soon. The only thing you need to ask yourself is “What is this site worth to me and what will it be worth to me in the future?” $50, $10, $100, or more? I’ve sometimes gotten donations of over $100, but you don’t need to feel like a huge donation is necessary – the right amount is based on how much you value the site and how much you are comfortable giving.
If you’ve just begun with this site and
haven’t had yet enough time to achieve your goal and feel driven to send cash now,
then all I ask is that you remember this site the next time you get laid. It’s like
a money-back guarantee in reverse.
If you prefer not to use PayPal for donations (don’t want to create an account or use a credit card), checks, cash, or money orders can be sent to:
Learn The Skills Corp. 8391 Beverly Blvd # 469 Los Angeles, CA 90048 US
Make checks payable to: Learn The Skills Corp.
Note: Learn The Skills Corp. is the corporate entity registered by Formhandle in so that the site could have things like a mailbox, bank account, tax ID number, and legal liability protection. All mail sent to the address above is picked up by Formhandle, nobody else. Any checks, cash, or other payments sent to the above address are handled by only Formhandle. Your private information will NEVER be shared with a third party, except as dictated by law. If you have any concerns about mailed donations, feel free to contact Formhandle. If you’d like an e-mail back from me to let you know your mailed donation arrived, please include a note with your e-mail address written on it.