ASF: “Try approaching every HB you see and say, “Hi. Are you the sort of
person I should get to know better?” If she says “Yes”, then ask
“Why?” Put the focus of the conversation on what she has to offer you. Do this
in a matter of fact way, like you were saying “Hi. Your shoe’s untied.” In fact,
if you can’t yet muster the boldness to confront HB’s, then just tell them it looks like
they’re about to lose a heel on their shoe and WALK AWAY. Try it. It works.” Don’t
misunderstand the “addressing a girl and then walking away works” part – it
doesn’t work for getting to know these girls, it works to add to your experience and
feeling natural and good about approaching girls:) I didn’t use “feeling confident” here on purpose, because ideally, you don’t
want to feel “confident” – being confident is something you think about and
which ultimately reveals that you must be nervous in one way or another after all. Ideally
you feel so good and natural about it that the word “confidence” never pops up
in your mind:) Feeling so good and natural that you have no need to think about being
confident is actually the ultimate confidence – but never think of it in terms of
confidence. Forget the term “confidence” altogether, just concentrate on feeling
good and natural (about approaching, propelling her to new heights of pleasure with your
patterns, having kino etc) and before you know it – “confident” is how you’ll be
perceived by women:) When seeing a girl you’d like to approach, don’t even try to “feel
confident”. Instead, think: “See that girl? I am the perfect experience for
her!”. Think of the way she will have goosbumps from the way you’ll make her feel
good, and if you want to, then for just a split-second you can remind yourself of all the
ways you could make her cum:) Don’t dwell on that though:) Just go and offer her the
experience of a life-time:) |  |