The following comes in handy, if truly NOTHING comes to mind after having applied the
3s rule. It is of course more recommended, that you think this all through before having
approached, just try to limit your thinking to… preferably no more than 3 seconds:)
No, I’m not an evangelist, its just that the more you wait, the bigger chances there are
that she’ll leave, someone else will join her for a conversation, you start sweating and
eventually chicken out, circumstances change etc. ASF:
- Ask some kind of OPEN ENDED approach question (it will normally begin with the word
- Have at least one other OPEN ENDED follow up question, preferably more than one, to
defend you against stalling.
- By the time you’ve reached this stage. providing your questions were interesting enough,
you are “in conversation”
Before point 1) above, you are a stranger & the woman is wary of you. At point 2)
she’s still wary, but talking. By the time you’ve hit point 3) – and it doesn’t matter if
it’s one woman or a group – she/they have more or less accepted you and seem to drop their
barriers a lot. All in a couple of minutes. To continue. If the HB is a talker, paraphrase her and ask intelligent questions. Then
ask some cheeky questions, maybe neg hit & get some of your own stuff in. If she’s a
listener, you’d better have something ready to talk about [or you’re gonna CRASH and BURN]
– a tale or two about your interesting and humorous exploits (laced with SS of course)
that moves gently from being innocent into being more and more risqué. Throw in negs if
you need.” See also: Fluff talk |  |