Nathan Szilard, ASF:
- "If you buy me a drink, you might get lucky tonight"
- "I can't please every girl but I'll give you a chance tonight"
- "Women are lining up to be with me"
- "It's tough to be such a sex symbol"
- "Aren't you going to get too horny if I sit next to you?"
- "I'm organising an orgy for my friend's birthday. Wanna come?"
- "I like you because you're intelligent (gesture over her breasts). I like myself
because I'm intelligent too (gesture over your dick)." (once GM even later got a
phone-call where the girl said she wanted to show him her intelligence:)
- "If you're nice enough I will lick you."
- "How does it feel like to be with (one/two) handsome blokes?"
- "My friend's jealous because mine is bigger."
- "Look, we have to go (to her place) now because I have a date in 2 hours. No we
can't go to my place because I have a friend sleeping there."
- "I love myself sooo much I can't leave myself alone."
- "I wish I could split myself in 5 ("me"s) so that I could please all the
- "I have to go to the hospital tomorrow" - "What for?" - "To get
an operation, (pointing down) mine's too big"
- "Do you know how I can have a 24 cm /11 inch dick?" "???" "When
I fold it in half"
- "Are you hands clean?" - "Yeah" - "Ok, could you hold my dick
for me while I'm peeing?"
- "You know, that really bothers me, all those girls and guys going after me, and
they're only interested because of it, you know, I want to be appreciated for who I am,
not for just my HUGE penis."
- "I should'nt talk about that, I don't want you to be incredibly turned on... I
don't want you to make a mental picture of a huuuuuuuuuuuuge throoobing tasty penis."
(Nathan: "Her eyes were glowing -- you could tell what she had in mind!")
- "It's not possible to be cute without being >picked up ... sometimes I wish I
wasn't so cute" (Nathan: "One of the most important aspects of the GM technique
- Me: "Do you wake up early in the morning?". Her: "No, not really".
Me: "Good, I don't like to be waken up;)".
Whenever they don't react positively enough, you say:
- "Hide your joy / pleasure!!"
- "Last time I saw someone as excited as you, she was in a coma!"
- "If you don't like cute guys, just tell me!" (Most of the time the reply will
be "no, no, we do like cute guys!". This question reframes their possible
dislike of you into a dislike of "cute guys" in general, which however they want
to deny, thus being forced to confess, that they actually do like you. Tricky eh?:)
Nathan Szilard, ASF: "OKAY ONE IMPORTANT THING: you'd think that he gets blown off
every time he says something that stupid, right? YES HE SHOULD!! He would IF he didn't say
"JUST KIDDING " *before* she has a chance to reply. Psychologically speaking,
since she does not have the time to reply negatively, she's somewhat agreeing. It's rather
obvious when you see it happening. If she starts replying negatively, he cuts her down by
saying, "yeah I like to say stupid things, life's too short not to have fun" or
"I like to act like a little kid - I am a kid"." And then he continues with
what he started with:) One other thing he uses to go kino fast and often is insulting the
girl and then "apologising" right away by kissing and hugging:) A possible explanation of why the GM style actually works, Nathan Szilard: "You
don't get rejected as you would expect - when you think about it, to reject something, you
have to know what it is. When you've heard one particular line a thousand times, you know
what it means, what it is, what it aims at ... When GM approaches she's here, wondering
what the fuck is going on ... it's so outrageous, she can't react in a predetermined
way." From someone who tried the GM technique just to test it, ASF: "It was at the point
I was feeling a little guilty because one was a real sweetheart and I just wanted to fall
back to being nice and letting her talk about her boyfriend - but when I did - I could
instantly see it was a mistake so I'd come off with "I gotta get an operation
tomorrow..." and she'd come back with a "You're so bad" and hitting me...
It was easy and she made sure to give me her phone number! I didn't even ask! This
experiment tells me to memorise every one of these lines. They are killer! Pure gold!
These are powerful jokes. Funny how the one who gave me her phone number kept saying she
loved a sense of humour. I thought the jokes weren't funny at all. I was just mouthing
words and she was laughing. I couldn't believe it. The other one had to go but she fell
right into talking about sex. WOW!'" Nathan Szilard, ASF: "An idea to go beyond GM style: describing the woman as a
slut. Isntead of telling her "you are beautiful" as an AFC does, describe her as
if she was doing something overtly and consciously sexual. See where I'm going to? What I learnt from GM, well and from textbook psychology - you can get people to form
an opinion about themselves. Let that opinion be that she is a slut." The word "slut" in this context is a highly sexual and constantly horny
female (not a prostitute). Doing a pick-up on the street GM-style (suggested by Nathan Szilard, ASF). You have
eye-contact with a woman on the street, she passes, and when you turn back, make sure she
hears this: "Hey! ... What does this mean? You ogle at me and you don't even stop to
talk to me? I'm not a sex object!". She'll probably be standing there, looking back
at you and feeling stunned, now go approach, introduce yourself, act all "hurt"
for being taken as only a sex object, offer her to chance to make it up to you by having
the two of you getting to know each other over a cup of coffee etc:) See also: GM style explained GM style expansion pack |  |