ASF: “YOU are interested in her, SHE appears interested in you, what you need is a
bridge to open communications: such bridges are constructed from a readily available
material known commonly as bullshite. Think up some credible or not so credible story
& get over there and knock on her door. You could tell her you’re thinking of buying a
dog and ask here advice, you could say you’ve noticed she drinks beer & you know of a
good supplier, you could tell her you’re doing a survey (you have a PC, so make some
convincing looking questionnaires), you could tell her you’re selling insurance or
anything. It doesn’t matter: you know its bullshit and she knows its bullshit. If she’s
receptive, as appears, it doesn’t matter, she’ll play along – that’s one of the reasons
why god put bullshit on earth. If not, she’ll tell you to fuck off: so what?” The Spare Shoe technique. This is a variation of building an AFC-style bridge
with a little less AFC-ness and a little more PUA-ness. Don’t be fooled however, the fact
that the bridge is built out of BS doesn’t have to mean it won’t hold, especially if she
is laughing her way across the bridge🙂 (author has requested anonymity), Mindlist: “Go up there one evening and bring a
shoe or shirt or something. Knock on her door. When she answers, say, “Hey, you, I
was just passing by and I noticed this shoe here. Is it yours?” Well, of course
she’ll say no, and then you smile and reply, “Oh, hmm, well, I guess it must be mine
then. So what’re you up to?” Then chat a little more and then run an SS pattern on
her. Or chat a bit more and then sit down in her doorway and continue talking as if
everything is natural. She’ll notice and laugh and either invite you in or else ask what
you’re doing. You can then reply, “Oh, I was getting a little tired standing up, but
we’re having such fun talking that I decided to rest a bit so I could put all my energy
into making you laugh.” She’ll smile and either sit down to continue talking or else
invite you in. Even if she’s busy, the above should make a cute impression, and you can follow up with
an SS pattern to ask her out to coffee.” |  |