Here's an interesting piece for your enjoyment - planting a post-hypnotic suggeston...
to orgasm:) Well, sounds pretty unbelieveable, but then again, I've never tried it myself,
so what do I know. Still, I would rather categorize this as "interesting" as
opposed to "useful" for unless it is someone really-really special, I can't
imagine taking the time to go through with the hassle of hypnotizing someone over the
internet and even if I pull it off successfully, I can't help but wonder - now did I
seduce her or what? What specifically does she feel for me now? Maybe all she wants from
me from now on is for me to have her orgasm... over the internet:) And unless I get off
from that specifically, I am left with pretty much nothing at all:) Then again, it states
below that two additional non-relevant post-hypnotic suggestions have been removed - might
they have been the "you feel incredibly attracted to me NOW" commands:)? Anyway,
here's the experiment for you to believe or not:) By Alex Akselrod, Mindlist: "Well, OK, here's an edited log of tonight's Orgasmatron(TM) session. I took out 2
other posthypnotic suggestions I planted that were irrelevant to this, what we talked
about beforehand, and afterwards, and I changed her nick to protect the innocent."
[_Stile_] ok :)
[_Stile_] let's do this thing?
[MyFriend] yes
[_Stile_] ok... now just let your hands
[_Stile_] relax on the keyboard...
[_Stile_] because i'll be asking...
[_Stile_] your unconscious...
[_Stile_] to respond appropriately...
[_Stile_] to what it is i ask of it...
[_Stile_] and i'd like to remind you...
[_Stile_] before you...
[_Stile_] go all the way down...
[_Stile_] you...
[_Stile_] and your unconscious...
[_Stile_] can keep your eyes open...
[_Stile_] through this whole session...
[_Stile_] so that your unconscious...
[_Stile_] can watch...
[_Stile_] and understand...
[_Stile_] at all levels...
[_Stile_] what it is i'm saying...
[_Stile_] in a way that's just right for you...
[_Stile_] to go into a wonderful trance...
[_Stile_] now...
[_Stile_] as you see the letters on the screen...
[_Stile_] their particular shapes...
[_Stile_] their arrangements...
[_Stile_] and feel the sensations...
[_Stile_] in your fingers...
[_Stile_] and the support under you...
[_Stile_] your unconscious...
[_Stile_] notices other things...
[_Stile_] like the sensations in your toes...
[_Stile_] the sensations in your right ear...
[_Stile_] and in your left...
[_Stile_] and in between too...
[_Stile_] the feelings of neurons...
[_Stile_] firing in new ways...
[_Stile_] ways that will help you learn...
[_Stile_] really learn...
[_Stile_] to go all the way down...
[_Stile_] because your unconscious...
[_Stile_] is the storehouse...
[_Stile_] of everything you have ever experienced...
[_Stile_] so while you allow your mind to wander...
[_Stile_] your unconscious...
[_Stile_] knows exactly what is going on out here...
[_Stile_] your unconscious...
[_Stile_] stores all your memories...
[_Stile_] your experiences and learnings...
[_Stile_] in one place deep inside...
[_Stile_] the place where your identity lies...
[_Stile_] the place where you can change...
[_Stile_] and as you...
[_Stile_] explore that place now...
[_Stile_] your unconscious...
[_Stile_] is paying attention out here...
[_Stile_] and presenting you...
[_Stile_] deep inside that place...
[_Stile_] with new experiences...
[_Stile_] and new learnings...
[_Stile_] so as your unconscious...
[_Stile_] helps you experience...
[_Stile_] deep inner space...
[_Stile_] in a new way...
[_Stile_] you can notice...
[_Stile_] the colors deep inside...
[_Stile_] becoming more vivid...
[_Stile_] the sounds...
[_Stile_] can become more real...
[_Stile_] and the sensations...
[_Stile_] can continue to become more noticeable...
[_Stile_] as your unconscious...
[_Stile_] stays right out here...
[_Stile_] watching...
[_Stile_] at all the right levels...
[_Stile_] to help you...
[_Stile_] experience new things...
[_Stile_] and go deeper still...
[_Stile_] now...
[_Stile_] into deep inner space...
[_Stile_] into that place...
[_Stile_] where your unconscious...
[_Stile_] can continue to present you...
[_Stile_] with new learnings and experiences...
[_Stile_] new ways to find new ideas...
[_Stile_] new states and possibilities...
[_Stile_] and your unconscious...
[_Stile_] can help you go deeper still...
[_Stile_] only as quickly...
[_Stile_] as it continues to watch...
[_Stile_] and learn...
[_Stile_] really learn...
[_Stile_] how to help you notice...
[_Stile_] all the wonderful learnings you are making now...
[_Stile_] and as you...
[_Stile_] experience that place inside...
[_Stile_] the place where you store all your learnings...
[_Stile_] more fully...
[_Stile_] experiencing the colors and sounds...
[_Stile_] the aromas and sensations...
[_Stile_] so much more fully...
[_Stile_] your unconscious...
[_Stile_] is regulating your body...
[_Stile_] and paying attention to your safety...
[_Stile_] your unconscious...
[_Stile_] can notice as your breath slows...
[_Stile_] and becomes deeper...
[_Stile_] as you go deeper still...
[_Stile_] your unconscious...
[_Stile_] monitors your heart rate...
[_Stile_] continuing to keep you...
[_Stile_] functioning perfectly now...
[_Stile_] and you can...
[_Stile_] just continue to experience...
[_Stile_] deep inner space...
[_Stile_] so much more fully...
[_Stile_] and vividly...
[_Stile_] as your unconscious...
[_Stile_] notices the toes...
[_Stile_] on your left foot...
[_Stile_] and as it does...
[_Stile_] your unconscious...
[_Stile_] can... only as quickly...
[_Stile_] and as far as is perfectly safe...
[_Stile_] and comfortable for you...
[_Stile_] begin to lift those toes...
[_Stile_] and only as soon...
[_Stile_] as your unconscious...
[_Stile_] has lifted them as far as is right for you...
[_Stile_] your unconscious...
[_Stile_] can type 1...
[_Stile_] to signal me that it is done...
[_Stile_] and it can go ahead now...
[_Stile_] taking all the time it needs...
[_Stile_] now...
[MyFriend] 1
[_Stile_] thank you...
[_Stile_] MyFriend's unconscious...
[_Stile_] now...
[_Stile_] as your unconscious...
[_Stile_] makes all the adjustments necessary...
[_Stile_] for you to go deeper still...
[_Stile_] all the way deep inside...
[_Stile_] into deep inner space...
[_Stile_] aware only...
[_Stile_] of what is inside...
[_Stile_] what your unconscious...
[_Stile_] presents you with...
[_Stile_] leaving only...
[_Stile_] your unconscious...
[_Stile_] out here...
[_Stile_] with me...
[_Stile_] your unconscious...
[_Stile_] can allow your toes to relax...
[_Stile_] only as quickly...
[_Stile_] as it has made all those adjustments...
[_Stile_] and when it is done...
[_Stile_] it can press 1...
[_Stile_] now...
[_Stile_] go ahead...
[MyFriend] 1
[_Stile_] that's right...
[_Stile_] now...
[_Stile_] as i count from 1 to 10...
[_Stile_] your unconscious...
[_Stile_] can make all the changes...
[_Stile_] and adjustments necessary...
[_Stile_] to allow you...
[_Stile_] to go all the way...
[_Stile_] into deep inner space...
[_Stile_] so that your unconscious...
[_Stile_] is out here with me...
[_Stile_] and you are only aware...
[_Stile_] of what is in there...
[_Stile_] and when i have counted to 10...
[_Stile_] i will speak only with...
[_Stile_] your unconscious...
[_Stile_] as you stay deep inside...
[_Stile_] in deep inner space...
[_Stile_] now...
[_Stile_] 1...
[_Stile_] going deeper...
[_Stile_] 2...
[_Stile_] into deep inner space...
[_Stile_] 3...
[_Stile_] as your unconscious...
[_Stile_] 4...
[_Stile_] continues to pay attention...
[_Stile_] 5...
[_Stile_] at all the right levels...
[_Stile_] 6...
[_Stile_] for you to learn...
[_Stile_] 7...
[_Stile_] really learn...
[_Stile_] 8...
[_Stile_] to go all the way down...
[_Stile_] 9...
[_Stile_] into deep inner space...
[_Stile_] 10...
[_Stile_] now that you...
[_Stile_] MyFriend's unconscious...
[_Stile_] are here with me...
[_Stile_] and MyFriend is deep inside...
[_Stile_] aware only of what is in there...
[_Stile_] i would like you...
[_Stile_] to signal me...
[_Stile_] by typing 1...
[_Stile_] now...
[MyFriend] 1
[_Stile_] thank you...
[_Stile_] MyFriend's unconscious...
[_Stile_] now you have brought to me...
[_Stile_] a wonderfully complex person...
[_Stile_] a person that you have kept safe...
[_Stile_] and alive...
[_Stile_] for over 18 years...
[_Stile_] and you have helped her...
[_Stile_] to learn...
[_Stile_] really learn...
[_Stile_] such complex behaviors...
[_Stile_] like walking...
[_Stile_] you have helped her...
[_Stile_] to coordinate such amazing symphonies...
[_Stile_] of movement...
[_Stile_] all together...
[_Stile_] perfectly balanced...
[_Stile_] and you help her...
[_Stile_] organize her experience...
[_Stile_] you know the difference...
[_Stile_] between how she believes...
[_Stile_] and how she doubts...
[_Stile_] between how she remembers...a
[_Stile_] and how she forgets...
[_Stile_] and one of the most important things...
[_Stile_] that you...
[_Stile_] MyFriend's unconscious...
[_Stile_] do for her...
[_Stile_] is you organize her experience of time...
[_Stile_] i know that there have been instances...
[_Stile_] in MyFriend's life...
[_Stile_] where time seemed to fly by...
[_Stile_] and there have been instances...
[_Stile_] when time seemed to...
[_Stile_] slow way down...
[_Stile_] as if a second...
[_Stile_] seemed like a minute...
[_Stile_] or an hour...
[_Stile_] and you are more powerful still...
[_Stile_] you can make...
[_Stile_] a second in real time...
[_Stile_] seem like a day...
[_Stile_] a month...
[_Stile_] even a year...
[_Stile_] as she experiences it...
[_Stile_] and you can use that...
[_Stile_] as is just right for her...
[_Stile_] to experience wonderful new learnings...
[_Stile_] now...
[_Stile_] MyFriend has come to me...
[_Stile_] to have new learnings...
[_Stile_] and experiences...
[_Stile_] that will help her grow as a person...
[_Stile_] and enhance her relationship with you...
[_Stile_] MyFriend's unconscious...
[_Stile_] so to start out...
[_Stile_] i want you...
[_Stile_] MyFriend's unconscious...
[_Stile_] to remember fully...
[_Stile_] the best orgasm...
[_Stile_] MyFriend has ever experienced...
[_Stile_] and as you do...
[_Stile_] i want you to notice...
[_Stile_] just exactly what spots...
[_Stile_] seem to be the most sensitive...
[_Stile_] to the wonderful sensations...
[_Stile_] of her orgasm...
[_Stile_] and as you find all those spots...
[_Stile_] i want you...
[_Stile_] MyFriend's unconscious...
[_Stile_] now... to notice...
[_Stile_] just how you create that sensitivity...
[_Stile_] so that each time...
[_Stile_] i say the words...
[_Stile_] MyFriend, orgasm now
[_Stile_] you can allow MyFriend...
[_Stile_] to begin to orgasm...
[_Stile_] in a new way...
[_Stile_] when she orgasms in this new way...
[_Stile_] the orgasm will last for 5 minutes...
[_Stile_] in real time...
[_Stile_] and as she perceives it...
[_Stile_] it will last...
[_Stile_] hours...
[_Stile_] days...
[_Stile_] months...
[_Stile_] even years...
[_Stile_] and with each wave...
[_Stile_] the orgasm will become...
[_Stile_] more and more intense...
[_Stile_] only slightly more intense with each wave...
[_Stile_] physically...
[_Stile_] yet her sensation of pleasure...
[_Stile_] will increase exponentially...
[_Stile_] with each wave...
[_Stile_] so that with each wave...
[_Stile_] her pleasure can double...
[_Stile_] until the orgasm...
[_Stile_] consumes her body...
[_Stile_] mind...
[_Stile_] and soul...
[_Stile_] and each cell of her body...
[_Stile_] and every fiber of her being...
[_Stile_] can become consumed...
[_Stile_] in pure ecstasy...
[_Stile_] total rapture...
[_Stile_] wonderful, joyous orgasm...
[_Stile_] that is better and better each time...
[_Stile_] and all that...
[_Stile_] will last for 5 minutes...
[_Stile_] in real time...
[_Stile_] and it will seem to her...
[_Stile_] to last for hours...
[_Stile_] days...
[_Stile_] months...
[_Stile_] even years...
[_Stile_] as she perceives it...
[_Stile_] do you agree to this?
[_Stile_] answer now...
[MyFriend] yes
[_Stile_] good...
[_Stile_] then you can now...
[_Stile_] take all the time you need...
[_Stile_] in the next 10 seconds...
[_Stile_] to make all the adjustments necessary...
[_Stile_] to create all those changes...
[_Stile_] and when you are done...
[_Stile_] type:
[_Stile_] /clear
[_Stile_] and then press 1
[_Stile_] to signal me that you are done...
[_Stile_] and go ahead now...
[MyFriend] 1
[_Stile_] good...
[_Stile_] now...
[_Stile_] as you allow MyFriend...
[_Stile_] to forget consciously...
[_Stile_] everything that went on out here...
[_Stile_] and everything that she experienced...
[_Stile_] inside deep inner space...
[_Stile_] you can allow her...
[_Stile_] to come right out here...
[_Stile_] feeling blissfully relaxed...
[_Stile_] and wonderfully content...
[_Stile_] only as quickly...
[_Stile_] as is perfectly safe and comfortable for her...
[_Stile_] and go ahead now...
[_Stile_] MyFriend, you can tell me when you're back :)
[_Stile_] just take all the time you need
[_Stile_] as i count to 5
[_Stile_] to come all the way back
[_Stile_] up out of trance
[_Stile_] feeling blissfully relaxed
[_Stile_] and wonderfully content
[_Stile_] now...
[_Stile_] 1...
[_Stile_] feel your fingers and your toes...
[_Stile_] 2...
[_Stile_] feel your ears and your nose
[_Stile_] 3
[_Stile_] let your eyes focus on the screen
[_Stile_] 5
[_Stile_] oops
[_Stile_] 4
[_Stile_] take a deep breath and be totally awake
[_Stile_] 5
[_Stile_] alert, awake, and energized
[_Stile_] you back? :)
[MyFriend] oh wow
[MyFriend] Im heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere
[_Stile_] wooohooooooooooooo
[MyFriend] hehehehehehe
[_Stile_] hehehe
[_Stile_] feel good?
[MyFriend] I feel incredible
[MyFriend] :P
[_Stile_] :P
[_Stile_] see, even an 18-yo kid can do it!
[MyFriend] you're amazing, I love this feeling
[_Stile_] hehehe
[_Stile_] what do you remember?
[MyFriend] I was sure I'd remember what we talked about
[_Stile_] hehehe
[_Stile_] nope ;)
[MyFriend] but I lost it
[_Stile_] have you ever been that deep?
[MyFriend] I scrolled up and it isnt even there
[_Stile_] yep
[MyFriend] lol
[_Stile_] hehe
[_Stile_] it's in the logs though
[MyFriend] I know, but I trust you
[_Stile_] i had you type /clear ;)
[MyFriend] I'll check later if I'm curious
[_Stile_] okay
[MyFriend] Im kind of excited to be surprised
[_Stile_] now i did plant a posthypnotic suggestion for orgasm
[_Stile_] so whenever you want... :)
[MyFriend] will I need to touch myself or do anything, or will it just
[_Stile_] it will just happen
[_Stile_] ummm
[_Stile_] i set a trigger for the orgasm
[_Stile_] a phrase i need to say to you
[_Stile_] i'd say it now but you might not be ready yet...
[MyFriend] Let's do it now, I can't wait
[MyFriend] Im ready
[_Stile_] MyFriend, orgasm now
[_Stile_] :)
[_Stile_] working?
[_Stile_] brb
[MyFriend] oh god yes
[_Stile_] wow cool :)
[_Stile_] tell me when it's done
[MyFriend] i cant even begin to describe that
[_Stile_] wohoo wb :)
[_Stile_] ever had anything like that before? :)
[MyFriend] no, that was intense. I swear i couldn't even concentrate on
anything else but the orgasm
[MyFriend] and another thing
[_Stile_] another thing?
[MyFriend] how can there be so little time that has passed, I swear I was
doing that for the loooongest time
[_Stile_] ohhhh
[_Stile_] hehehe
[_Stile_] that's called "time distortion"
[_Stile_] congratulations
[MyFriend] seriously, I thought you would have gotten bored and been long
[_Stile_] you now know what it means
[_Stile_] hehehe
[MyFriend] that was the most amazing experience I've ever had in my life
[MyFriend] nobody had done it for me like that before
[_Stile_] well we're friends, right? :)
[MyFriend] Yes, and I have to thank you soo sooo much
[MyFriend] Im so happy right now, but I feel drained
[MyFriend] I dont care how much time has passed, I was orgasming for hours
[_Stile_] yeah, i figured you would
[_Stile_] yep you were
[MyFriend] the pleasure was overwhelming
[MyFriend] Yay Yay Yay :)
[_Stile_] woohoooooooooooooooo :)
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