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mASF post by "Kineti[C]harm" posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, April 4, 2005why is it called a HB1-2-3-4-5-6-7 when HB means hot babe and a HB1 would mean
an ugly girl, that makes no sense. Shouldn't it then be HB1-2-3,
Normalgirl1-2-3 and UG1-2-3-4 ?
why is it called a tonguedown? Do you tongue somebody down, wouldn't that be
assault or onesided? Or do you down your tongue? Wouldn't it be more natural to
call it a tonguemeeting or a tonguecoalition or a coalition of tongues? Maybe a
tonguefestival? I like tonguewrestling, that atleast means both are
why is it called displaying lower value or displaying higher value when you are
doing it verbally? Would it not make more sense to do it by charts or an
overhead? Maybe draw her a note? That atleast would be displaying something.
why is it called when it would make more sense that it was
fast.seduction? Why is it even called alt? Does it mean alternate, are we doing
alternate seduction? Oh my, sounds homosexual doesn't it.
why is it called a layreport when many times you have sex you aren't laying
down at all. Should we start calling them standingsexreports or
sittingsexreports, maybe carsexreports since the position done in cars
sometimes cannot be described as either sitting, laying or standing.
why is it called a fieldreport. Are we going to war or are we out in a field? I
doubt there are many hot women prancing around in a field except the farmers
why is it called a takeaway when there is no food involved? I see no mcdonalds,
no burgers, no chickenwings. Are we eating the girl? Well that doesn't sound
why is nilatak being such a bitch when he could be fucking bitches instead ? :P
why is mystery called mystery when he posts everything there is to know about
him. Where is the mystery?
why am I asking all these dumb questions? I'm having fun :P
- Kineti[c]harm
Words of wisdom:
Get a girl wet and she'll be your pet!
Attraction is the tool that'll turn her into a fool!
Unless otherwise noted, this article is Copyright©2005 by
"Kineti[C]harm" with implicit permission provided to for
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original author.