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mASF post by "Perseus" posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, August 8, 2005On 8/14/05 11:53:00 AM, PlayerSupreme wrote: >What your friend is doing is >weak and insecure. He is >using you as a prop so that he >can boster himself up in front >of the women. In reality he >is scared himself and is >trying to direct his fear >away. You have become just an >object when he gets into pick >up mode. > >Instead of supporting each >other he lets his fear control >him. Now my question to you >is why haven't you turned him >on to this site???? > >WTF??? I do hate it when guys >try to hog the knowledge all >to themselves so that they can >look like the cool one. This >shows me that you have a >competitive side to you also.
Good point man but a lot of guys have a really hard time taking advice on this
stuff. It's like by suggesting that they could change certain aspects of their
game you are calling them a loser and saying that they aren't the huge pimp
they like to think they are. I've tried turning a few of my friends on to this
stuff and it's the guys who act like this guys friend who get pissed off and
won't even check it out. I had one "friend" who was was kind of like this that
I turned on to this stuff and as soon as we would talk to some chicks he would
be like: Hey man... is that some of that shit you got of the internet.
Shit like that just isn't acceptable and you need to cut guys like this out of
your life or at least cut them out of your PU. For your cool friends who don't
feel like a fucking loser for realizing that they can improve I totally agree
with PlayerSupreme. Good post man
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