mASF post by "ox" posted on: mASF forum: Field Reports Discussion, August 8, 2005>say, "Whoa, what's going on? >You make me feel so weird! >We're not like this, we're >good people, it's the liquor! >We gotta ban this stuff..."
wow. this stuff works man. everytime i break make outs girls chase like i got a
candy dick.
> >I sit down with her. She's >putting her legs on mine, she >buys me a drink. WHAT THE >FUCK...
exactly. by this time i expect this after breaking a make out. she is chasing
big time. i wonder why you didnt capitalize man...what you going softy on her,
this is waaaay too >easy for a chick this hot, >something is strange.
no strange. fear of this case. you just vaccumed her in. mad
> >The lights come up and we go >outside arm in arm. She gives >me her number without >prompting. I walk her to her >car. She tells me she'll give >me a ride. I get in her car, >and she drives the short >couple of blocks to my house. >I didn't invite her in because >I had to get up at 6am.
if she is hot, what´s wrong with a quickie man...either you are very sure about
this lay or you are just going plain lovey dovey on which case i
understand. i have a heart too..somewhere.
> >In retrospect, I guess I just >must have really gotten under >this girl's skin last time >with the hardcore rapport >shit... I mean, until the >mistake with the AMOG, it was >PITCH PERFECT. And the fact >that I didn't chase her, or >acknowledge her first at the >club, cemented my "different" >status. She must have been >thinking about me all week or >some shit. > >And I thought it was OVER. >Kaput. Huh. > >I feel like I am the shit.
you are, baby.
I >was screening her so hard, she >passed every test. This girl >could be the new primary! > >sigh
ha, long?
kick ass report as usual. keep us updated...i am curious about how long can the
chasing last. i would be surprised to see a girl chasing into day 2 or 3? in my
case they chase for a short time until i spike it again...
keep it up.
> >-jlaix > >****************************** >********************** >what's the difference between >us? we can start at the penis; >or we can scream "i just don't >give a fuck" and see who means >it.