mASF post by "Design" posted on: mASF forum: Field Reports Discussion, April 4, 2005On 4/30/05 1:42:00 PM, Eric K wrote: >By the end of the night, >Design had about 10 beers and >was drunk off his ass. We >walk back to my car in the >pouring rain, and by this >point, his verbal acumen has >degenerated to that of a >drunken vagrant. He staggers >along, slurring his words, >complaining about the pouring >rain. I tell him that he is a >GAYBOY EXCUSER (said in a very >alpha Croatian tonality) for >complaining. We get in the >car and he passes out like a >GAYBOY EXCUSER (said in a very >alpha Croatian tonality). We >get to his house, and I can't >get his drunken ass to get out >of my car. He's slurring a >bunch of gibberish for like 5 >minutes, and then guess what >his first coherent words >are..."I'm a PUA!" This guy >really has love for the game! >Then I finally drag his ass >out of the car to his door, >and laugh my ass off while he >staggers at the door, first >trying to open it with his car >key and then his mailbox key. >He finally opens the door, >thus ending a night of >mischief and mayhem.
Glad you had a good time. Yeah, those girls from the first set were REALLY
into us. My girl kept saying over and over, "They look so good together," and
kept touching my face and asking if I was single. I was like, "Um, babe, hate
to tell you this, but you are the OBSTACLE...I am babysitting you so Eric K the
PUA can game your friend." Or maybe I just thought that.
Oh, you also didn't mention that we ran into Craig from Elimidate there. Small
world, huh?
At the last place we were at, either you or Aaron were in a set when two AMOGs
tried to cut in. I grabbed them and was like, "Hey guys, some girl over there
was saying one of you is really hot." Then I led them around the bar for a
minute and was like, "Oh, sorry, I can't find her." They then loved me. Good AMOG tactic if you have a wing, I think.
Anyway, looks like HBOcean is coming over tonight so I can take her virginity
so I probably won't be at the lair meeting nor going out tonight. Guess you
won't be able to drive my drunk ass around again. Sorry.
Life By Design