mASF post by "mellow" posted on: mASF forum: Advanced Discussion, May 5, 2005
On 5/23/05 4:34:00 PM, martinos wrote: >Hello to everyone. > >I have recently discovered ASF >and the world around it but I >do have a little psychological >background. Much of the >material here are very >descriptive but I found a >shortage in some other >subjects, mainly AMOG tactics. > >As a collage student, I have >encountered AMOG wars and >group control techniques that >are much more strong and >obtrusive (if that is the word
What kind of school are you going to? It seems you're in a toxic environment.
Or it may be that you're just an easy target.
>I'm looking for) from what I >have discovered so far in >here. Reading this group >helped clarify some of them, >understand them and counter >them but I feel a lacking in a >more structural material and >knowledge which is necessary >in constructing a coping >model. > >Maybe there are posts I'm >missing or an article I'm not >aware of but I'm looking for a >descriptive information on >tactics that are been used and >a knowledge to understand what >goes behind it. > >Finally I'll give here some of >the tactics I've encountered >to this date. > >1. In a group, making a joke >and then looking direct at the >subject with smile >intentionally in order to >convey subconsciously >provocation to him and the >surrounding. >
Here there is a technique taught by Manuel J. Smith in "When I Say No, I Feel
Guilty" that should take care of the problem.
>2. Making a joke-comment after >the subject talked. >
Same as above, the book I mentioned should take care of that problem.
>3. Talking up to the subject >consciously and >subconsciously. For example, >if he asked a question in >class, answer him instead of
Here the book should help as well, but there is something else. Now be honest
with yourself here. Was the question you asked approval-seeking in anyway? Was
your question intended to show off your knowledge? Was it intended to
demonstrate your listening skills or your eagerness in anyway? If you don't
mind sharing, I'd like to know what was the question and how did the teacher or
the class respond to the incident?
>the teacher and then add a low >sigh of discontent (Making it >seems he asked a stupid >question and you putting him >in his place) or chuckling >sound. I’ve encountered a lot >of use of nonverbal language >like sigh, chuckling and hand >and body posture and movement >in order to convey disrespect >and putting in place behavior, >counting on the fact that you >can’t react to such behavior >(only if you know how to) >because there was no direct >confrontation, and if you do >react directly (without >knowing how to) then you lose >face. > >4. Same as the above (number >3) but mumbling. Talking to >yourself but in order that the >surrounding will here you. >That way you gain the >advantage of not direct >confrontation. An example of >this but not an AMOG one is >trashing the teacher or making >a little jokes to yourself >about the material learned in >the class, making small >comments, surrounding your >immediate environment with a >bubble in which you are in >control of the flow. Mumbling >can be used in direct >confrontation like making a >girl laugh and than mumbling >the subject name so he could >hear or more confrontational, >tell him to shut up under your >breath in a group situation >which bring me to the next >point. > >5. PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress >Disorder) inducing techniques. >I would love to meet the guy >of took those from non >civilian usage (mainly >interrogation techniques) and >introduce them to civilian >life. Those methods are used >to induce confusion and trauma >(which occurs when you are put >in a situation – mainly >stressful – where you don’t >now how to react) in order to >take control of the current >group interaction or girl >conversation from the subject. >To non ASF people and who are >not familiar of life with >direct confrontation and >fighting, when encounter those >techniques, they are >overwhelmed and in most cases >show regular PTSD response >that range from (A) closing in >them selves and guilt feeling >while searching reasons in >their own behavior for the >attack to (B) under the same >confusion, submitting to the >attacker and trying to find >way to please him (stay away, >not repeating behavior that >they think was the subject of >the attack) in order to >protect them self from another >attack (under the impression >they did something wrong). > >The last behavior (B – >submission), is the golden >prize for the attacker, >because it’s put him in a >position were the subject is >obligated to him which make >him the alpha to the subject >and opens more possibilities >in controlling the subject. > >Those kinds of tactics, aiming >for this prize target are used >for example in building a >group and making items in the >group correspond to you. (In >an extreme example, making the >subject addicted to drugs.) > >Examples of such techniques >are: > >(A) From a post I saw here: >When meeting at a party and >doing the introduction, while >handshaking, putting the >middle finger and pushing it >to the subject palm. > >(B) Saying “good morning” for >an example in a shout to the >subject or “hello”. This >induce confusion since the >nonverbal behavior suggest >confrontation but the verbal >behavior not. If the subject >don't know the attacker than >more confusion is created. If >the subject answer back like
Personally, I would say "Hi" back in a weird tone. It would match his
introduction. I wouldn't try to break the vibe by asking him if I know him.
>“Do I know you?”, “What?”, “I >don’t understand..” , He get >in response “What, it’s not >allowed to say good >morning/hello to people?” >which put the subject the >shock described above or leave >him with no response (unless >he knows what’s going on and >how to response). > >(C) Looking at the subject for >a long time directly. Same as >(B), create discomfort and >confusion in the subject while >he does not understand why you >are looking at him. >
Personally, noone has ever done this to me.
>(D) Taking a stand near the >subject in a manner which is >uncomfortable to him by his >underline social code for the >right space between people – a >private space. That could be >standing from a side, getting >to near, and standing behind >him, taking his sense of >control of his private >surrounding. Yet again, there >is no known response to >indirect attack for the >average subject. >
Again, people wouldn't do that to me. But if someone did, I'd just make a joke
about it. I'm six foot one and I'm a big guy, may be that's why most people
don't bother me. How big are you yourself? Do you work out? Are you posting
these examples because they're on Masf, or because they actually happened to
you? Do you have any clue as to why you would be targeted by bullies?
> >Variation of this technique >and other relies on the >unwritten social conduct codes >which given by the society. >The definition of private >space length, Staring time >rules, returning introduction >efforts (hello, good morning, >handshake given) and others. > > >I am posting this lengthy post >here in hope it will help >others who encountered those >attacked and lack the >sufficient knowledge to >understand them in order to >tackle them. > >I have not found until now any >public guide and introduction >to those kinds of attacks and >especially the PTSK ones which
I agree with the other poster. There is no need to overintellectualize this
topic. This is bullying you're talking about.
>I only recognized from my >experience in other fields, >not ASF. I hope others will >post replies with their >knowledge on AMOG attacks and >the experiences of tackling >them or if you know of a good >post describing one, please >post its link here. I am not a >clear of mistakes, so please >feel free to offer your >constructive opinion on any >topic discussed here. > >Well, this turned out to be a >long post but I do hope >someone will find this useful >and helpful. I would like to >mention that most of what >described here was experienced >at first hand or from outside >perspective view. > >Martinos >"Some meaningful quote here."