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mASF post by "Neo-Rio" posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, January 1, 2005 >Guys, somebody please explain >me about disrespect. After >reading mASF >for a while I don't give a >shit about anything. So I >expect shittesting >and amogging and I am really >cool about them. For example, >if a girl >flakes or shittests me, I am >not mad anymore, but just >register the fact >and do whatever I please. But >the theory says, PUA should >call the >bullshit whenever he notices >some. Well, I've tried to do >this, but >since I don't give a damn >anymore about somebody's >opinion or behaviour >it doesn't turn very >convincing.
Well, I suppose if you really don't give a shit about them, you can't really
expect them to give a shit about you.
Calling people out on shit is very simple :-
People sometimes care about others by instructing them on how to do something
or not do something, so that they, in turn, can become better at doing
something and achieve better results in whatever it is they really want.
It's a form of caring.
Just like this post.
It works the same way with women. They want something, you just tell them how
to get it. Or more to the point, they want lots of men to love them - and if
she's flaking on you, then you stand to be in a position where you can instruct
her on a few ways of dealing with men a little better in order for her to be
more attractive to them.
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