mASF post by "FerrisBueller" posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, May 5, 2005Cool post. Can YOU describe what YOU think each toolbox item is used to
On 5/2/05 10:53:00 AM, Design wrote: >I saw TD speak in D.C. a >couple weeks ago and he >touched on something I had >noticed and have been wanting >to comment on. > >We each have some number of >tools in our PU toolbox: >opinion openers, negs, C&F, >IVDs, mini-cold reads, games, >humorous stories, future >adventures projection, >patterns, etc., etc. A lot of >the fuck ups we read here (or >have experienced ourselves) >involve people mis-using these >tools.
I know that 99% of people on here mistake what a DHV routine is. Its a routine
aimed at the peer group rather than the target and demonstrates value through
to the the targets through her friends.
I know Tommy W uses negs for a different purpose than Mystery.
>Let's take a basic basic >example. Openers. How many >people here really understand >the distinction between direct >and indirect openers? How >many people really understand >the relationship between >direct and indirect openers >and opinion openers? (Here's >a tip: if you think opinion >openers are necessarily >indirect, you're wrong.) How >many people really understand >the reasoning behind going in >indirect?
Break it down to what YOU think the difference is.
>If you can't (correctly) >answer these questions, you >won't be able to use the >tools.
Can you?
>Or how about another basic >concept: Cocky & Funny. What >is C&F? How is it distinct >from playful teasing? What is >its relationship to the three >classifications of rapport? >Why is the humor element so >important? What is it meant >to accomplish?
What are the three classifications of rapport. light, medium, deep?
They started talking, our job as PUAs is to keep them talking, attract, go into
the routines, extract and fuck. - Commander Zap