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Tyler Durden Drones

mASF post by G-Menace

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Tyler Durden Drones
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mASF post by "G-Menace"
posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, April 4, 2004

This is getting fucking ridiculous. Why does it seem that people can't seem to
think for themselves. Write your own fucking routines people. Why is everybody
going around calling every girl powerpuff girl.

When Jlaix posted his cheatsheet, and talked about putting it in his cellphone,
some people flamed him. But guess what, a lot of the routines are routines that
he wrote, and that probably contributes a lot to his success, because he
delivers it congruently.

Why is everybody still going around opening chicks with dental floss, or
Style's jealous girlfriend? Its utterly ridiculous. If another PUA had run
thesame routine on a set and you try to run the same shit, you will get blown
out unless you're highly skilled. That's probably why a lot of PUAs can't get
laid at the conventions.

And guess what people, I can bet you guys that Tyler Durden, just like a lot of
other people do not post their absolute best routines on ASF, so use your
brains and come up with your own shit. You understand the concept already, so
why do you guys still want to be spoonfed?

Unless otherwise noted, this article is Copyright©2004 by "G-Menace" with implicit permission provided to for reproduction. Any other use is prohibited without the explicit permission of the original author.


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