Sweet aproach? | mASF post by TylerDurden | Acronyms used in this article can be looked up on the acronyms
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[posts in this section may be edited, but only for spelling corrections and readability]mASF post by "TylerDurden" posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, June 6, 2005On 6/26/05 5:54:00 PM, OM wrote: > >I have lots of male friends >(like you, maybe 95% of them) >who do not sarge like us. They >try the "sweet" aproach. Maybe >they are being completly >wussy. Maybe they are somewhat >funny and maybe 100% >selfconfident, but they act in >a very "sweety" way. They care >to much about the girl, they >cumpliment her to much, they >talk about normal things most >of the time, they try to be >sweet and gentle to women like >if they were flowers. Some of >them use kino. >The strange thing is that they >get laid! I´ve been observing
If they are cool guys, they will get laid. Attraction is caused by frame
control. Most guys who supplicate do so in a way that causes them to lose the
frame, so guys like David DeAngelo helps them by telling them to grow some
balls and be a bit more edgy. Of course David D knows that you can be nice and
get laid, but he will not say that to these guys because most of them are such
dweebs that if they hear that then it will overcomplicate things. Feel free to
be as sweet as you want, and notice when its coming from a position of power or
a position of reaction-seeking. Usually it is cyclical. Most PUAs will go
back and forth as they feel inclined, and because they are super cool they will
still have a vibe about them that makes the girls chase them for validation
even when they are "sweet."
-TD RSD (c) 2005
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