mASF post by "chicksrock" posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, March 3, 2005On 3/25/05 7:58:00 AM, Mystery wrote: >ok I have to be honest about >something: the advice I've >been reading form this n3rv1 >guy is begining to annoy me. >It appears he is a KJ and not >a PUA. nuff said. > >On to advice that goes beyond >"do what you wanna do". > >There are different types of >game: > >Practice game: if you dont >have enough material up to >speed (practiced a couple >dozen times each so as to make >it congruent - see my >concruence audio article on my >website) then you need to play >some PRACTICE GAME. For >instance, the PEG SYSTEM (a >method to prove you have a >photographic memory) is a >great DHV. Now its best to use >in A2 and even later in C1 but >what if you dont have PEG up >to speed? Then you might as >well use it as a quick A1 >OPENER so you can get it up to >speed fast. How? Just say, "I >need to pick your brain for >4.2 seconds" ... of course its >a 5 minute routine but you >dont have to tell THEM that! >Not the BEST opener, but if >opening with it means getting >the routine up to speed for >when you NEED IT UP TO SPEED >(Like in a SHB set) you're >damned right to bang it out >enough times to get the >experience in-field with it. > >Flash Game: Need to impress a >bunch of guys during a >workshop? Ha ha, just kidding >... Need to impress a SHB set >with social proof in your >pre-approach? Go into a set, >perform FLASH GAME, and voila, >instant social proof to warm >up the set you REALLY want to >go into. Now they have SEEN >you with other women who are >on your arms. They have seen >you are the leader of men. The >Coin Snatch Routine will allow >you to FLASH GAME so you can >then open a HOT set next to >them. FLASH GAME allows you to >build social proof so you can >go into a bartender (notorious >for having time constraints >due to customers) already >PRE-APPROVED by other women >and thereby building >attraction BEFORE you >approach. > >Solid Game: Want to WIN every >time no matter what? Solid >game is a metaphor borrowed >from chess. Dont risk defeat >by taking chances with moves >that might not progress you. >Dont move too fast nor too >slow. Play SOLIDLY to win. >Solid game should allow you to >win EVERY SET. I did ONE SET >tonight. That's all I needed >(hand holding, embracing, >kissing, and her trying to >close ME) and I now have a >solid day 2 (I may invite her >to my seminar tomorrow >actually). Style also played >solid game and I hear him with >her in my guest room with him >right now *shrug*. SOLID. I >have a GF in my bed so >bringing mine home was not >possible. Haa, Style has her >moaning RIGHT NOW ... and my >GF is fuckin' SNORING! fuckin' >hell! haa. > >Fool's Mate: it is entirely >possible to win chess in only >4 moves. does this make you a >chess champion? no. it only >makes your opponent nieve. its >POSSIBLE but not PROBABLE. >Running around and HOPING to >win with a fool's mate (which >in the PUA means going in with >SEDUCTION FIRST rather than >INTEREST FIRST - or going in >and hitting on her before she >wants you to) MAY get you a >win ... one in 50 times. A >chess champion you are not. >The greatest concern with >fool's mate is, when you win >right away, you THINK you are >a master. But when the next >set doesnt get you the girl >you are back to HOPING. But >fool's mate is good when the >girl is cute but not hot so >she's not worth 7 hours of >solid game but worth trying a >fool's mate cause if you lose >no biggie. > >MAKEOUT GAME: similar to >fool's mate only you play the >first part solidly in the >hopes of getting attraction >and then jumping prematurely >forward to get the makeout. >this isnt flash game because >if other girls see you fuck >up, you ruin your room and >build a bad rep over time. if >you DO makeout with the girl >then you cant neccessarily >sarge the rest of the room >because you are makout boy. >its great WORKSHOP GAME so >students can see you >definitely HAD attraction but >the solid way to winning is to >kino escalate with a shallow >slope. Showing off with >makeout game can mislead >students into thinking that is >how its supposed to be done. >they have to learn that often >times a quick makeout can >compromise success down the >line. > >EXPERIMENTAL GAME: have a new >opener that is untested? need >to see if it'll work? well, >its time to run a "light >hearted social experiment" as >my former student Papa used to >say. One time he high fived an >entire club. LITERALLY! >Hundreds of people it was >fuckin' sick haa. He didnt get >ANYWHERE but it was an >experiment to see what >happens. You know at the end >of the night when the club >closes and you and your wing >are outside the club seeing >what you can do with the sets >just hanging out front? That >is CRASH & BURN time ... or >EXPERIMENTAL GAME. > >And there you have it N3rv1. >*shrug* > >Love Mystery
Thanks Mystery. I am very impressed with your inventions in PU...and again you
have further convinced me that solid game is the way to go. I have the DD
mastery program, and I got that big "ah huh" when you distinguished between fools mate and solid game.
I am definitely working on my solid game. (and saving up enough money to do a MM workshop!)
I do run MM in my head while doing my sets (kinda hard to multi-task though
because you have to deliver your routines/whatever as well).
I got your MM diagram on my wall so I wake up to it every morning!
I am a big fan. So keep up the good work Mystery...and hope you come up with
some more cool revelations into the world of PU.
Peace Out !