mASF post by "ox" posted on: mASF forum: Field Reports Discussion, June 6, 2005On 6/6/05 2:29:00 AM, TheAnswer wrote: >On 6/5/05 12:33:00 PM, ox wrote: >> >>Actually the fucking huge >>bitch pretended she bitch >>slapped me but actually no. >>she held my face with her left >>hand and pretended to bitch >>slap me with her right >> me it felt like she >>was bithc slapping me for >>real..i mean this girl could >>kick my ass, taller and fatter >>than an elephant. fucking >>phased me. > >HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH ROTFL! >time, just grab her hips and say >"mmmmm...I like it"
i did. actually grinded the huge bitch. lol. i couldnt put my hands around her
back. she was huge man.
(credit: Mystery) and >continue gaming your set.
i did but i was fucking phased by the bitchslapping. couldnt focus..but plowed
> >> >>last night was big reality >>check for me. got >>bitchslapped, got turned down >>for sex by 2 fbs, plus i >>staaaallllll like a >>motherfucker. i am not all >>that. >yea that kind of blows....wutev >> >>i go out and my gear is >>kicking ass. probably one of >>the nights that i look the >>hottest. said by different >>girls by the way. i was >>looking good but again inner >>game put me into misery..girls >>wante me to approach but i was >>choking like eminem. 2 things >>happen that made me fall into >>dispair. >> >>1 club. >> >>goal: open 8 and above >>girls(except for a couple of >>cold feet i got, it was >>accomplished) >> >> >>go upstairs deck. lean by the >>rail...wait for girls to >>pack...ha. >>i am good..i get ai from 2 >>hb7's. no. i am going for >>quality shit. didnt open. >>mistake. should have warm up. >>spot the cutest set in the >>fucking bar. a 2 set steaming >>hot 8,5 and 7,5... >>i go and open.. >> >>ox: you girls are punished by >>being standing alone here. >>girls start giggling. they are >>very young. >>ox: you dont have anyfrinds. >>hb7,5: we are from out of >>town. we are from x town. >>ox: i work with somebody from >>there. >>hb8: really? > >Uhm...ox...why are you seeking rapport >with them this quick...I know this >sounds minor, but you're trying to make >them feel comfortable by filling in >rapport gaps that the girls will fill in >when they feel you're high value enough >to be worth their time. Don't fill in >rapport
right. very much so. eye opening.
...just DHV and C&F and cut off >their conversational threads into your >own. Girls will always take your >frame/threads if you do them >enthusiastically and for gods sake SMILE >and be ANIMATED!!
i was animated. i was ok. that´s why my rapport seeking mistakes dont seem to
stand out but as you said they do stand out and kill the sarge..very technical
>>ox: o yeah. i always tease her >>that that town is too small >>and shit. >>hb8: well we have an airport. >>ox: yeah but it is too small. > >YAWN. Boring..logical. Yea, I know this >may be very nitpicky, but here you have >once again, IMHO, shown interest by not >falsely disqualifying yourself/NEGing or >using any sort of time constraint.
absolutely agree and i am happy you pointed it out. yet my intent was to
slightly neg their town as not having a commercial airport...therefore being
small...but i didnt convey it in the sarge...fuck.
>>they both have piercings. so i >>stack openers. >>ox: did it hurt you? > >Would you ask a fat ass whore who was >slobbering this? Probably not..I mean, >maybe you were honestly stalling and >trying to carry out the interaction..but >this is rapport seeking and in girls' >eyes, they see you as gaming them.
i have made this mistake for months. now i see the problem..thanks again
This >shit would never fly with a 9-10. But, >great effort to push the set man even >though you probably knew you were >stalling.
> >>hb8: not really. actually is >>quite nice. >>hb7,5 has a giant stud in her >>tongue. >>ox: wow, dont show me that. it >>freaks me out. >>hb7,5 sticks tongue out and >>makes me look at it...i turn >>my face away. this line works >>always. they make you >>touch/see their stud 100 % of >>the time. >>ox: you are a bad girl. >>hb7,5: no. >>they are giggly and shit. so i >>throw in best friend test and >>it flies...ivd. ha, ha. passed >>hook point and we are hanging >>out. my voice is carrying >>great tonality because i slept >>a lot. i feel resounding in >>the air. there are 2 afcs near >>us waiting to leech but they >>dont have the gutts to >>challenge me.i am alpha man. >>they eat after i eat.. >> >>ox: ok. let me see your >>hand(to hb7,5). you are bad. >>i cant even talk to you. you >>are bad for me. you have a bad >>girl line here exactly like my >>bad boy line over here. we >>could be together but fight >>constantly, then the good >>thing is the make up sex. >>hb7,5 is giggling and the >>other one too. i am focusing >>on hb7,5 because she is giving >>me the most response and i >>want hb8 to be jealous. they >>both tell me they have >>boyfriends but i choose to >>ignore that and plow. > >Yea...this happened because of what I >said conveyed interest >very quickly by seeking rapport, not >falsely disqualifying yourself or using >any sort of time constraint (ex: I gotta >get going in a sec but...(go into a DHV >routine). >>eventually, i jump into >>stories about london. c/u >>smile routine. it all flies... >>so i started to stall and >>decided to invite them to next >>bar. they say they come >> > >You invited them based on just their >looks and did not properly qualify them. >They knew you just wanted to have sex >with them...on some level you did >establish some sort of value/attraction >with them, but not enough for you to >actually lay them. I'm imagining >something I do sometimes as well...and >that's run a great set, but not properly >disqualify myself to the target and >qualify her to gain my interest. In >order to move/bounce/venue change, the >girl HAS to be qualified verbally and >nonverbally (like backturns) so she >jumps at the oppurtunity to come to the >next venue with you. MAKE SURE TO >QUALIFY HER before venue changing.
greaaaaaaaaat stuff. fuck yeah...!
>>then i move near a 3 set. i >>dont open. just stand there. >>then out of the blue the >>biggest fatty in the group >>holds my head with one hand >>and mock bitch slaps me with >>the other. i am like wtf. >>pushed her away from me. >>ox: what was that all about? >>fattie: just playing with you. >>ox: is she always like >>this...fuck i am adopting you. >>i start clowning a little bit >>grinding the fatty. the hb7 is >>stand i eject. but >>the incident really phased me. >>it was unexpected and that >>huge bitch made my asd kick in >>big time...fuck. >>2 bar >>meet blond 7,5 i met last >>weekend... >>ox: hi. >>hb7,5: hi >>ox: where were you that day. >>you disappeared(not true i saw >>her but i was with the >>brunette i laid last week) >>hb7,5: really, you are bad. we >>saw you with a brunette. >>ox: that girl was bad. where >>you guys headed after this. >>hb7,5: to x bar. >>ox: see you there. >>hb7,5: ok..bye. >> >>it is on. it is so fucking on >>and i am an ass. i said good >>bye. fuck up. >> >>well, i started stalling after >>this..couldnt open. >>shiiiiiiiit. >>i spotted a super hot hb8 >>brunette in a huge ass group >>of 8 girls. i start giving her >>ec and she reciprocates. she >>starts touching hair and dance >>like mad. fuck. >>i work my way to her. >>ox: is this a bachellor party. >>hb8: yes. >>ox: who is the lucky girl? >>she pointed her out to me. we >>introduce ourselves but the >>group is mad at me. group >>theory again. my dragon is >>about to bit me. >>hb8: she is my sister. the one >>getting married. > >Once again..more rapport seeking and >conveying interest without properly >running DHV and c&f based attract >material. This will KILL a sarge as they >will not chase you if you dont run >attract material into qualifying...KILL! >> >>i started stalling and >>ejected. fuck. >> >>3bar. >> >>as i go in. i meet my last >>lay, now fb. she is at the >>door. i didnt expect her there >>and i say i have to meet >>people inside and excuse >>myself. i am actually quite >>nervous to have met her there >>because i didnt call her after >>the lay and i feel some how >>afc. we go in. i tongue her >>down for good times sake and >>leave. >> >>as i move in the crowd i spot >>my one-year old fb dancing >>like hell near the rail. she >>is with friends and a couple >>of guys..fuck. of all the bars >>in the world i have 2 fb´s in >>the venue...i say hello and >>she is all over me and showing >>me as a trophy to her friends. >>she tells me i am a bad boy. >>she sms me that night and i >>didnt call back. she starts >>grinding me mad and i grind >>back but wont tongue her down >>becuase i dont want her to get >>the idea i am going home with >> i am standoffish and >>shit which makes her even >>hornier..she humps my leg like >>a fucking dog. shit. >>i excuse myself and go the >>toilet. gotta let this girl >>blow off some steam alone. as >>i go to the toilet i meet >>hb7,5 blonde from the last >>bar. she had told me she was >>going to be there. she is >>alone waiting for her friends. >>fuck. i have 2 fb´s in the bar >>plus this hot blonde waiting >>for me to make the move. >>we start fluffing about her >>job and i start getting near >>her face. we are talking close >>to each other and somehow the >>conversation doesnt have any >>meaning. we are kinoing and i >>decide to throw my evolution >>phase shift and start smelling >>her hair. she smells back. i >>say that animals do this in >>courtship. she says that we >>are animals..then...her fattie >>friends come out of the >>toilet, probably taking a dump >>from her fat ass and i say >>good bye without number >>closing. she offered her phone >>for me to call "my frinds in >>the bar" but i refused and >>said ok...fuck me. >> >>my one yearold fb goes out of >>the bar with me and we walk >>out side. i dont to fuck that >>night but i do want to stay in >>her apartment. i am tired. so >>i said i am going to check out >>some friends and will get back >>to her in the x bar. she ok. >>so i went to other bars, stall >>like a mother fucker. didnt >>open and came back to her for >>a redemption fuck. >>i spot my fb friends in a >>corner. my fb comes back with >>a couple of guys. she is with >>one of the guys. she is not >>actually kissing him but she >>is all over him. fuck. i am so >>jealous. she knows i am cool >>with this but fuck it hurts >>man. so i eject. totally >>betaed. she makes me promise >>to have lunch with her today. >>fuck no. > >Why not man?? Fuck her and while fucking >her, yell at her to say that no other >guy can fuck her as good as you can...on >a subconcious level, she'll anchor it to >her sex drive...I havn't field tested >this myself..but I've heard it works.
it is all ok though with her. we have this arrangement that we can fuck other
people but i was not ready to see that.
>>i called my other fb to fuck >>and she tells me she has a >>girlfriend staying over and >>she cant make it..fuck. that´s >>a good closing for my >>night...went home feeling like >>a loser.shit. gotta get >>reframed asap. >> >>pointers: >>1. big reality check for me. >>it is good to have fb´s but it >>is not good to know they fuck >>other people too. >>2. mad props to me for opening >>the hottest sets in the bar. >>3. always dhv to group, dont >>go for the target or >>cockblocks will fly your way. >>4. be carefull around huge >>bitches, they are likely to >>bitch slap you. >> >> >>ox >> >>there is a difference between >>knowing the path and walking >>the path. >> > >"G'head envy me, I'm ASF's MVP, and I >ain't goin' nowhere so you better get to >know me" -The_Answer
very technical shit man. thanks a pile. you really pointed out key shit..gonna
implement asap..
see you,