mASF post by "specialist" posted on: mASF forum: Field Reports Discussion, June 6, 2005<Gem> wrote in message news:[email protected]... > Well Ox, it's actually quite hard to explain but what I did was I changed > myself almost completely. > > I now have a mindset that I am the only variable I can control so the girl
in > any interaction is an outside element. I just improved and am improving
myself > constantly. I do long-distance running, gym training, salsa, yoga. I have
many > girls who I have made friends with and I cultivate more all the time. I
talk to > any attractive girl on the bus, shop, cafe, etc. I don't bother having
male > friends really and don't find it efficient sarging with other guys anyway,
they > tend to be like bulls in a china shop and I'm much too smooth for them. It > fucks with my game. > I started on a quest to become a natural» a few months ago and that is
really > what has happened here. I just simply made myself more attractive and then > capitalised on the opportunities created by this. Girls seem to go out of
there > way to get me to approach them. I walk with absolute confidence (I
actually > think that this is incredibly important) and when I'm sitting in a club I
am > the most noticed coolest dude in the place. I'm not the prettiest but I'm
the > best and I make sure everyone knows that. I have girls hovering me with > constant EC, they actually turn into female AFCs for me! > The real problem is that all the girls I close want something long-term,
even > to the extent of marriage or leaving the countries they are in to come to
me. > I'm a bit of a softie and have a hard time being nasty to them. I have a
real > and genuine soft spot for every girl I lay, I find them unique and funny
and > beautiful every time.
The funny thing is that you have just summarized most of the secret arsenal
of an old geezer in Los Angeles, by the name of Hugh Hefner.
> So there you go, all my secrets spilled. Any requests for small chunks and
I'll > do my best to explain.
Feel free to chunk it down for us.
My problem right now is that I am living in a very target-poor environment,
and I'm stuck here for another year or so. I'm on a long-term contract gig,
and just walking away from it is not something I can afford to do without a
damned good reason. (In contracting, your personal reputation and your
personal integrity are IMPORTANT.) (Understand, I have explained to a
couple of people that, if a job comes up at NASA JPL, I'm gone, but the odds
of that are pretty slim right now.)