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mASF post by "Heisse" posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, March 3, 2005A bit of background: she's from Yugoslavia, very polite and well-mannered (a
shocking difference from standard US chicks).
On 3/16/05 2:25:00 AM, zarathustra_fi wrote: >On 3/15/05 3:26:00 PM, Heisse wrote: > >Ok I comment the rest now: > >>-If it's all genuine (her physiological >>reactions are, unless she's hysteroid) > >Got it! And what if she IS histerical (= >dissociative) and behaves like a guy to >hide that? In that case you have a >wonderful test in your hands: >- if she reacts receptive when you >establish a dominant frame then she is >normal..
To my C&F or dominant language she reacts with strong giggling.
>- if she reacts even more dominant and >you get the impression that she is >"scared","nervous","fearful" when she
None of that.
>>I used your fast arousal stuff on her, >>straight from the post. > >Which was her non verbal then???
80% from
>That´s ok. How she reacts non verbally >to that?
Long EC, throwing hair back, sidelong glances when leaves, DEEP tonality. Today
she almost ran to me to kiss me hello.
>You cannot know that if you don´t >establish a stronger dominant frame on >her. It can be dissociative. Or not. She >cannot hide it anymore after you put a >stronger and stronger dominant frame on >her.
How exactly do I establish a more dominant frame?
>If she does not comply to the stronger >dominant frame on her by becoming >feminine and receptive and you feel that >you REASONABLY dominated her then she is >A FAKE (= has problems) or has some >POLITICAL REASONS to behave like that.
What are the signs of complying? She already said that she wants to take me out
for drinks after I did that small favor to her. Looks like she's seducing me,
actually. I had that stuff a couple of times.
>For example Helsinki is full of bitches >who try to put dominant frames on guys >just to get the pleasure of ending the >evening by telling him:"You see. You are >a chauvinist male. You don´t respect >women!" (after he paid the dinner for >her..:)
OMG!!! I try to filter those out from the beginning. Onvce I hear any
man-hating shit or see that she's not congruent, that's a very strong red flag.
>Anyway this seems to be more the very >common kind of chicks who is very >primative and VERY HORNY but will give >herself as a woman only to the guy who >puts a stronger dominant frame and maybe >use as a "emotional toy" the one who >will not dominate. (not 100% sure yet: >more information required)
What info do you need?
>Let´s follow up this case if it is ok >for you.
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