mASF post by "spi***0@my***.com[ ? ]" posted on: USENet: newsgroup, October 10, 2000Man, you're fucking analysing paralising yourself.
> This is my first bear with me. > > I am quite shy, although I have improved this aspect of my persona > drastically in the past year. I understand the basic idea behind
female > thinking (I understand the fact that you cannot understand it :)) but
apart > from that I am AFC pure. > I have had little to none sexual contact so far, not because I didnt
have > the chances, but because there is always something holding me back. I
guess > my excuse is that i am very picky, but I have a basic fear
of 'crash&burn' > and am too 'nice' to risk anything. > > ASF has helped me to improve on certain thing such as my attitude
towards > women etc. and the whole 'jerk' thing. > I am 18, tall (6"3),well-built and am told good looking. > > The problem however is that I am really unsure about how much
attention im > supposed to give to my target of desire. I always somehow distance
myself, > not wanting to be obvious in showing my interest. > > Is this wrong?
that depends. The first thing I would suggest you would do is
experiment to find what works and what you are comfortable with. If you
would be a master of seduction you could feel your way into every
woman's demand, being the way you *are* you will succeed with some
woman, not all. This is the price to pay for being a certain way when
talking to woman, called *your style*, you will end up with woman who
tend to be similar to each other when you look back at your own
statistics. In a way it comes down to what you excpect from the whole you have to make sure you know what it is that you want,
which is a hard question I guess.
> I always see HB's being surrounded by AFC's who are trying to win her
over > by making wack-ass comments (Teenagers for ya) and trying to be witty
and > trying to making her laugh. I cant get myself to run along with the
pack > though, because to me it seems rediculous and sad to join the ranks
of the > AFC trying to impress a HB.
well here we have excess supply and little demand. You have to find an
alternative demand that she has which is not filled. Excess supply like
this will create a bi-polar demand such as "why is there no guy who
just takes me without asking?" - very common with good looking woman.
> > I cant get myself to stoop to that level, because even though im not
exactly > getting any ass, it feels as if I would am supplicating, which i know
is > bullshit but i think it nevertheless...hehe (The wonders of the human
mind). > > So the problem really is...i know women want guys who seem to be
above them > and who dont need to grovel for their attention. My question is, do
women > enjoy and respect guys who are trying hard to get them, or are they
more > impressed with guys who show interest but do not seem too eager to
get them. > And how do I show this interest without seeming out to get them (if
thats > the answer to the above question)?
damn this is too complicated... All I can say is that i think woman
KNOW what you are up to. If you play hard to get, they think "why is he
playing hard to get?" (this is what I have gathered so far on this
topic) so i suggest to show your interest to some extent not as in you
wanting to have sex with her but in her as a genuine person and try
finding something you have in common. playing hard to get is for people
who call themselves "players" ..i don't know about you but that's not
what I want to be.
> > other question is...what does it mean if a girl looks away
and > breaks eye contact. > I am told (without trying to blow my own horn) that women might be > intimidated by my looks and height or whatever. > When i read the "Lay Guide" i read that when a woman breaks eye
contact she > does it out of disinterest. > > So which answer is right? > > I know that it might depend on the woman and the situation, but, i
used to > interpret the 'looking away' as a shyness or intimitadetness, am i
wrong? > > Does it infact mean that a woman is not interested, and that she wants > nothing to do with you? >
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