mASF post by "scoob" posted on: mASF forum: Advanced Discussion, February 2, 2003On 2/8/03 9:16:00 AM, JimiTheSaint wrote: >I think what he was trying to >get across or what I GOT from >it was the "ALPHA MALE" >concept, which, I'm convinced, >CONQUERS ALL in the PU game. >It's you're REALITY and >everyone else just lives >there. You NEVER exit your >reality, OTHERS ENTER IT ON >YOUR TERMS. I think that's a >great fucking way to look at >things because no matter what >you do, you will always feel >validated (for lack of a >better word). IOW, if a chick >turns you down or snobs you in >ANY way, she just couldn't >handle being in your reality >and you move on to see who CAN >HANDLE AND APPRECIATE their >place in YOUR reality. Now, >the beautiful thing about this >is that YOUR REALITY is what >you make it. Be it that you're >the life of the party, the >MPUA, the ROCKSTAR persona >(PEACOCKING) or the fucking >wallflower AFC whose reality >is so dim that NOBODY wants to >go there. Having this mindset, >IMHO, it becomes easier to >create YOUR REALITY because >you no longer give a fuck >about external opinions and >influences while undergoing >your metamorphosis. GREAT post >TD. This one is one of your >best posts yet. Thanks man. >
Jimi, I can't tell you how cool it is to see someone who has been here only a
month and GETS it. Your interpretation is right on the money IMO.
There are some situations where it's helpful to pace her ongoing reality but
you never actually leave yours...rather you calibrate her mood and then LEAD
her into your reality. TD's post is very long and I haven't read all of it but
this is one of the key points he makes. Too many people try to play the
chameleon and end up supplicating despite themselves. Congruency and alphaness
will draw people to you because it makes you a person of character, of
charisma, of intrigue...and the light of your reality is a beacon that attracts HBs like moths to a flame.