mASF post by "Maddash" posted on: mASF forum: Tactics / Techniques Discussion, December 12, 2002This is a continuation of my last post, "New PUAs".
Attitude – Part 2
Humor, Playfulness, Fun and Comfort
You should be in a relaxed state – have fun with the pickup. Just talk to her,
don’t be anxious or edgy or force things. Your sense of humor will rub off.
You are going to get blown out a LOT. Get used to it. Enjoy it.
Never get stressed out, discombobulated or worried that things aren't going
right or perfect. Always remain calm, relaxed and reactive in positive way to
any challenges. Always act in a slow, calm, powerful manner.
One day, you will be a mPUA and you will have your choice of the fine women
that you desire. Imagine this day, savor the feeling, feel the confidence
flowing through you, and then see yourself picking up beautiful women. At the
same time, forgetting what confidence is, forgetting the “rules”, not thinking
about it – just doing it.
All of this means nothing if you don’t go out there every day and try it. Try
again and again. Have fun with it, just play around. The people around you
aren’t looking down at you – they are envious of you, that you are so outgoing
and free. They wish they could do what you are doing. Imagine yourself
picking up a girl in a restaurant in front of 10 astonished people!
Diamonds and Gold
Women like diamonds (romance, dinners, etc). Men like Gold (sex). If two
people come together, and she demands all the diamonds and never gives any
gold, then he’s going to walk away unhappy. Same goes for her. So never give
the diamonds without getting some gold in return.
The Law of Requisite Variety
If Person A has X reactions to a situation and Person B has X+1 reactions,
Person B will control the situation.
Therefore you must anticipate as many reactions to your routine as possible, in
order to guide the outcome of the situation. NEXT should be the very last
resort when you are stumped.