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mASF post by "putnik" posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, July 7, 2005On 7/8/05 8:41:00 AM, Nemanja wrote: >From what I know, it's almost >impossible to approach SHBs >directly. Putnik, did you read >the Mystery Method»? Mystery >teaches that you have to >establish some social value >before approaching 10s, and >that means gaming other girls >in front of them (hard to do >on the street), or, you need >to have a very tight game and >not attack directly with "I >want to meet you". Tyler >Durden has two great field >reports on gaming 10s. >Anyway, I listened on DYD's >Interview CDs an interview >with an SHB 10+ who explained >how her life and world looks >like. I can't type it all here >(it's mostly common sense >anyway), but let me tell you - >people approach her, or at >least give her strong IOIs >24/7, and she simply doesn't >have neither time, nor energy >to speak to everyone who would >like that. That's why your >approach has to be better then >anyone else's. That's why >you're on mASF...
Ok... my approach has to be better than anyone else' what are you
talking can I establish social proof when I have like 5 seconds to
open them or they are gone...Only thing that I could think of is neg
opener...but I also have problems with those...
"There are no rejections - just shit tests"
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