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Review: RSD seminar in SF June 18

mASF post by RKSF

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Review: RSD seminar in SF June 18
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mASF post by "RKSF"
posted on: mASF forum: Reviews Discussion, June 6, 2005

RSD delivered the goods this weekend up in San
Francisco on June 17+18.

A bit about my into the community a
little over a year ago when I attended an RSD seminar
in Project Hollywood...
To be honset I actually posted in a very positive PU101 workshop
review (maybe 6-8 months back) how I didn't like that
RSD was too much random info and I was too much of a
beginner to make sense of it. Now that I've been out
sarging for a year or so I've always wanted to go back
to redo RSD's seminar to really be able to understand

So as an alumni I had the option or going on just
Saturday (aka they made a special exception for me as
I had already been through their program and might not be ablt to get off from
work early on Friday) so I ended
up getting off of work early on Friday, and so I
showed up an hour late, I payed my cash, sat there for an
hour, and they were going over openers, and of course
my ego got in the way and I thought this info was too
basic, and I looked over the schedule and realized
there wasn't anything I really wanted to hear about
printed out, so I asked if I could have my money for
Fri back as only 1 hour had passed and this was sort
of redundant material for me and I was originally only
scheduled to come for Sat. So the guy I asked had to
make a call to TD to see if this was ok. They told me
to go to the lobby as TD was there and we would
discuss it.

So I get there and TD is chilling with his
girlfriend, and I introduce myself to them, and TD says he'll
give me my money back no problem, he just wanted to
know why I was requesting a refund. I told him it was
just kinda redundant for me and I was tired and didn't
want to sit through it. He said no problem. I told
him I had written out a list of sticking points, and
from the looks of the roster we wouldn't address them
till Saturday. He voluntarily said "I can help you
with some of them right now if you want." So we
chatted for 30-45 minutes or so, maybe longer, while
his girlfriend was chatting on the phone or
something...I asked a question about approaching
groups...and he immediately starts looking around the
lobby to see if there is anyone and he says "I'd show
you that right now but there aren't any mixed groups
to demonstrate on." Wow, I was impressed at how cool
and chill he was at just giving me a refund for Fri
and also just chilling and helping me out.
It's funny because from reading random feedback
of RSD I had kinda got the very false impression that
TD was kind of a jerk or whatever. Very untrue.
He was actually very helpful and friendly. Guys, to him I was just
another random guy in the tons of seminar attendees he has and altogether he
probably gave me 1-1 and a 1/2 hours of his own time 1 on 1.
After Sat. night's lecture I asked him a question on
his way out and he ended up chatting with me over his
dinner. I don't really read asf too much or read
reviews, but if anyone has a negative opinion of TD,
shut the fuck up already. He was very nice,
approachable and helpful. He did mention that a large
percentage of his students, when they meet him
initially, either try to game his girlfriend, or do
cocky and funny lame ass jokes on him, and I did
neither, just told him I liked his work...

Anyways, by coincidence I bumped into TD and some
other instructors Fri night when I went out while they
were doing workshop and they looked like they were
really helping their students. I was busy doing my own
sets etc., so I really didn't pay attention to them.

The seminar on Sat was great. I really liked it.
Tim gave a great lecture on can tell
he's really good...I asked him to demonstrate some
game so I could see how he does it, so he had me and another dude play the
roles of
girls while he gamed us....good stuff...

Alex did an hour talk on the cube and cold can tell he is super good at cold

during this portion I snuck out to talk to some of the instructors in the
nextdoor room as I am good at the cube since Ive been doing it for over a year,
and actually learned it from Sensei and Wilder at PU101 and wanted to talk
about my other sticking Tim and Christophe just told me to ask them
whatever I wanted so we just shot the shit for 10 minutes or so and they gave
me some individual advice. My level is that I can get laid consistently off of
a cold approach, and can get 3-5 numbers a night when I go out virtually all
the time, but not consistently with the hottest girls, actually pretty they gave me some good individual feedback which was very
helpful...simple, but profound...and you need that individual help I feel. So
major props to those guys. Basically, I felt bad pummelling these guys with
questions whenever they had a moment, but they were super nice and encouraging
of me to ask questions.

Next up, Christophe gave a speech on day 2 game. For me it was review...

Again, a lot of it was review as I've extensively been into
game the last year and going out at least 2 times a week, but I got so much out
of it.

Finally TD came and spoke well over an hour over the
scheduled time about PU philosophy, the alpha man, etc
etc...I don't know if he really had a particular
topic....but I got a lot out of it...for me personally
this weekend was a big breakthrough for me in my game, which was really just a
stupid mental barrier. I had a big breakthough like this after my PU101
workshop approximately a year ago... Basically Ive been thinking about game
too much and not doing it enough or just chilling out and being super laid back
and playful...

I've been reading too much of the archives and not
enough going out. Wilder told me this a year ago. I
guess the big meaning I got out of this weekend was that it is
just talking to I sorta got this from TD's
lecture...everyone is going to take their own meaning
from something and this is what I got from it. Let it be noted that it is
inspiring to listen to TD lecture. I swear to God the dude could give a
college lecture about this stuff and how he breaks it down.

Great seminar...I wish I had stayed for Friday's
portion. I regret the decision I had made. Note to self: Remove ego.

So I didn't want to go out Saturday night as the seminar actually went to
like 10:30pm, but since
I live right next door to a particular nightclub right
in downtown SF, and I have a nice connection there to
save me the 20-30$ cover...I said fuck it, I'll go out
since I was pumped up mentally (although physically
exhausted) from the seminar...

So guess who I bump into...Tim, Randy, and Siam and
a bunch of workshop students...I watched Tim game some
girls as I was leaving the club at like 2am, and I can honestly say this guy is
actually watched my set where I unsuccesfully gamed a
dude's wife and then the husband came in and I gamed
'em both...he gave me some feedback...and then I
decided to go home as it was about 2am but he
convinced me to go game a cute asian 2-set and five
minutes later I walked by with both girls on my thanks Siam.
so they were super cool friendly guys all around..even
though I wasn't actually doing the in-field portion
(as I've already done that with PU101 and have gone
out extensively and don't have the money and didn't
feel the need in my case).

So I had a great weekend with RSD, they have
structured their program nicely, and I can't comment
on the whole weekend as I didn't do it, but my
Saturday experience was great and I would highly
recommend it. I've done both PU101 and RSD and I can
honestly say they are both great programs and
compliment eachother nicely.

Furthermore, I really look forward to doing the Mystery Method seminar. TD
even mentioned it is really great.
Dudes, I'm a PU workshop whore. Tim even said: "Don't become a seminar junky!"
It's not even that I'm dying to do another workshop, I don't even feel the
need, it's just that it's so much fun and I love the game so is my
favorite hobby along with studying Chinese.
TD talks about not taking it too seriously (the game). A good analogy I came
up with this weekend is that it's like when I was younger and played basketball
all the time. I loved it. I knew it wasn't important. School, studying
Japanese, family, friends, playing music were all much more important, but
still, whenever I had free time I'd want to go work on my shot as it still was
very important to me. Well fuck, I don't play basketball anymore. I don't
even like sports really..maybe to watch once in a while. The game is like that
for me. I know it isn't very important in the grand scheme of things. Fuck,
it's easy enough to go out and get drunk and pile up phone numbers or bang
average to ugly girls that I never want to see again (unless I'm out drinking
and just want to get laid-ha!). But this shit is my hobby. So I'll end this
mini rant on that note.

So hope that helps anyone out their who is interested
in doing a seminar/workshop.


Unless otherwise noted, this article is Copyright©2005 by "RKSF" with implicit permission provided to for reproduction. Any other use is prohibited without the explicit permission of the original author.


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