mASF post by "LowRider69" posted on: mASF forum: Advanced Discussion, November 11, 2002 >Now if a BETA guy did that, he >would be instantly EXPELLED, >ridiculed, and possibly >CRIMINALLY CHARGED.
No way I could get away with that. YET.
>Now when I was at my Mystery >Method workshop, I was >initially learning the method >and C&Bed a few times in a >row. It was getting to me, >and for No9's amusement, I >steal a chick's drink who has >been snubbing me. She gets >angry, freaks out, and says >some shit to me and leaves. I >look like a WEIRDO, and she >thinks that I'm FUCKED IN THE >HEAD. If any guys were with >her, she probably would have >told them to fuck me up or >something. > >Of course, I've done this >SUCCESSFULLY more times than I >can remember. So why did it >bomb this one time? Because I >looked and in fact WAS being >beta at the time.
How were you "being beta" ?? I'm not getting this.
>I realized I was fucking up, >bounced back, and pulled off >the maneuvre to wicked success >several times after that, >realizing where I'd fucked up, >and taking measures to correct >it.
Where WERE you fucking up???
>I get away with ANYTHING like >that normally, if I'm -ON-. >But when I'm tired and looking >run down, if I do that stuff >(often out of habit), I get >the OPPOSITE results than the >ones I'm looking for.
I TOTALLY get this but its hard to PINPOINT what the difference is. Sometimes
it'll just be something small like "playful eyes" ...whats your "ON" vs
> >EG#3) >A alpha type guy PUSHES and >PUSHES and PUSHES a chick for >sex, maybe a date, whatever. >The chick think's its funny, >sexy, or cute.. often, she >eventually cracks and they >fuck. Why did she fuck him? >He was just so "confident". >Hollywood examples are Ben >Affleck in the movie 'Pearl >Harbour' when he picks up the >nurse, and Mel Gibson in the >movie 'What women want' when >he picks up Marrisa Tomei.
Love the Mel Gibson coffee shop PU. Its all attitude...Brad Pitt in "MEet Joe
Black" complete bullshit convo but its all attitude - watch his "bedroom eyes"
and tonality ...
>-When you try this type of >stuff, try to GAUGE how people >are reacting to it.. do you >sense that they're questioning >it, or do they just think its >funny and cool? If you feel >like its not working for you, >try ADJUSTING your behaviour >in some way, and seeing if >that works. You'll get it >eventually, it just takes time >and experience.
I've had mixed response. For example the other day this chick was drinking
coffee so I said "hey, is this still hot?" and picked up her cup. She was like
"yeah, I just got it" then I was like "hmmm, its cold outside..." and pressed
the warm cup against her arm. She smiled. It worked.
I did the EXACT same thing to another chick and I got a horrible response.
Maybe she saw the hesitation, maybe I was "beta" instead of "alpha" ...I can't
figure it out.
GOod post.