mASF post by "Gunwitch" posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, April 4, 2005On 4/14/05 4:41:00 AM, hypnotize wrote: > >I have read several times the >GWM from, and I >must say I'm impressed, this >stuff is much more >straightforward than DYD >stuff, and exactly what I >want, get laid and fast! But >can you please enlighten me >with something I couldn't get? >It says to be extremely horny >on a babe I see before >approaching her and keep this >state as long as possible >during the conversation. >This may be hard than it >sounds, I know, but will it >really give me results? I >mean, will this babe can feel >this energy from the air and >get horny just by being next >to me? I mean, we are all >horny when approaching girls, >isn't it natural? >I still don't get it. Correct >me if I'm wrong, but being in >that state when near a girl IS >the main issue of the GWM >right?
The key is that in GWM original text, that I didnt get I was doing, was I was
more masculine, talked more, was more of a character than her in general. She
would then get to a point of wanting to BE me, not wanting to be a man or
anything, but to have the same dominance of the frame I have.
She would then start to act like me, match me, mimmick me, trying to achieve
this. THEN I would go 100% sexual not just the 50% I had shown beforehand,
during rapport. BOOM she would match that also, attraction achieved, and we
would end up getting alone together and fucking.
When I wrote GWM part 1, I was gaming SUPER 10s, that just going sexual on
from the jump would make them go "whoa whoa wtf this guy is strange and I wish
I had his courage" and they would want to be like me and match me and the
sexual frame.
Vs later I started to game some 8s and 9s, who other guys had come at them
like that before. The 10s ya go 100% sexual and persistent from the opener
don't know what is hitting them. It is like THE neg hit that says "you are
mine, I don't need to be scared of you, or show you I ain't, it's ALL about you
and I honey". Blows their mind, and dominates the frame by itself.
Get laid not just liked! Http://
"make the ho say no"