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mASF post by "HollywoodMack" posted on: mASF forum: Field Reports Discussion, July 7, 2005On 7/13/05 12:18:00 PM, ox wrote: >Man you are running the same >rapport shit i am running! We >should definitely sarge >together? You up? I wanna see >your game. I would be like >looking at myself..just >better.
Dude I am coming to London for a month next week. I know we would rock it
awesomely together out there. Email me @ ska***e@ya***.com[ ? ] and we'll work it
I have a feeling I'm not necessarily better than you. You've got mad ONS game,
whereas I go for the HB9-10 deep rapport day2/day3 stuff generally. Just think
how mad we'll rock it when we learn each other's shit.
>Mad props for taking her >attraction away from roommate >and placing it on you. That´s >game. That´s my goal too. Be >able to create attraction >despite of the environment.
Yeah I was wondering how that happened. I guess it was a matter of running my
normal game despite that stuff.
>One thing though: why didn’t >you fclose? She was ripe bro >after you dumped all that >rapport game! Let me tell you. >Her question: you are very >sexual? Is just the green >light in my book. It is >difficult to get them to that >state and you are not sure you >have a second swing at it. She >was probably very hot uh?
You rock Ox, that's exactly what I was asking myself this morning.
God yes she was hot (you mean horny right?). That is probably the number one
lesson to take from this day2 -- when it's going well, take it as far as it'll
I think there are a few reasons I didn't, most of which probably have to do
with my limiting beliefs.
1) I wasn't sure if K-Natch was in the Starlet Lounge, and had a feeling she
would get ASD cuz of his presence (limiting belief)
2) I had to get up early for a session today and was already sleep dep'd.
3) I tend to play a bit of "leave em wanting more" -- probably need to work on
that, not overdoing it.
4) It's just not totally in my reality yet to fuck girls so quick (4 hrs) even
though I have done it before. (limiting belief)
>Rock on and keep us posted. I >am interested in seeing how it >pans out.
Yeah this chick is probably more of a HollywoodMack style babe (looks and
personality) than any other HB I've found since last gf (11 mos.). Now to use
my anti-oneitis techniques! (When I catch myself getting "romantic" about her,
imagine talking dirty and fucking her real nasty style.)
Make your move. At worst, she'll respect you for it.
Unless otherwise noted, this article is Copyright©2005 by
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