mASF post by "esk6969" posted on: alt.seduction.relationships, July 7, 2005On 7/6/05 7:36:00 AM, RRAAFFCC wrote: >On 7/5/05 11:24:00 AM, esk6969 wrote: You >>understand all the theory and reasons >>behind this, yes? > >i was no longer the dominant one and she >gained power, i was no longer a >challenge, i seemed needy... and it goes >on.
It was a rhetorical question, but yes, that's the general idea.
>> >>It's time to give her, "The Speech". >>The speech where YOU LJBF *her*. Like >>this:
snip > >but im only just starting to show my >alpha side again and getting good >reactions from her. what if her >attraction towards me is just starting >to build again and will continue to do >so if i keep up what im doing? >if she is only just building her >attraction for me again but it still >isnt sifficient, wont she definitely >choose option #2 at this stage?
That is a real risk and a possibility, yes. But then, that's why we GFTOW.
There is no "one girl", that's just a different way of saying "oneitis". The
attitude should be one of "so what" if she picks #2, it's her loss, because YOU
are the prize, right?
Having said that, it's important to decide what you want. Just wanna fuck her?
Time to shit or get off the can. Time for The Speech. It was said, recently
on ASF, I think by Jlaix, that the idea is to get LAID, not just get reactions.
Yes, all the "sets" tactics, C&F, etc. will get you liked and popular,
compliments, IOI's, etc. But, at the end of the day, if you are not inserting
your hard cock into tight, wet pussies, it's all kinda bullshit, isn't it? By
taking greater risks, yes, you will get more bad reactions (as a by product of
getting more reactions in general), but, conversely, you'll also get more laid
- just not necessarily with any "one girl".
OTOH, if she is a "really nice girl", and you honestly desire her friendship,
whether it turns into anything sexual or not (and you like doing your nails
together and flipping through Cosmo with her, HAHAHAHA...), then yes, continue
with the plan above. In all seriousness, there's nothing wrong with having
chick friends per se, ESPECIALLY IF YOU USE THEM AS A PIVOT.
But, the thing to avoid is, I just hate seeing guys try to fill in the
"girlfriend/therapist" role, and you become the beta/AFC with oneitisto whom
she complains about her Alpha ex-boyfriend, whom of course, she then goes off
and promptly fucks, after complaining to you about him for hours, and using you
as an emotional tampon. I was in that situ too many times to count, before
ASF, and never will again, and sincerely want to help other guys avoid the same
Which brings us right back to GFTOW... yes, by all means, continue to sarge her
and C&F, if you don't mind it taking longer, and the possible chance of going
right back into the "friend zone", BUT ONLY IF YOU ARE SARGING OTHER CHICKS IN
THE MEANTIME. Otherwise, you severely risk contracting a nasty case of oneitis> shed wished she had >met me a bit further down the track, >that she was in love with her ex-bf and >is scared to fall in love again. plus >she said to me that the ex-bf is still >bothering her a lot and shes got a lot >on her plate. i know the ex-bf thing is >legit because she even told me long ago >that she had a restraining order against >him.
As Franco always says "Drama. Chicks just love it."
The hidden subtext is, you are not supposed to give a shit about this crap, or
buy into it. Every hot chick since the beginning of time has a psycho-ex-bf
with a restraining order. De Rigeur, right along with her "secret"
dildo/vibrator, and stacks of Cosmo on the coffee table. Yawn.