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mASF post by "OceanEyes" posted on: mASF forum: Advanced Discussion, August 8, 2005On 8/10/05 10:13:02 AM, Raging Clown wrote:
Yep. I turned down sex with a bunch
of these chicks after my divorce
because I didn't want to hassle with
their bullshit (this was before I found
ASF). They were outraged! Positively
insulted that I didn't want sex with them.
One chick was furious that I dodn't even
want to meet her after talking to her
on the phone. Another sent me a raging
email rant after calling me at home during a
party when I told her use my cell number.
The only game I need with these chicks is
to meet enough of them and NOT call them
>OceanEyes you stole my post. >That is what I was going to >say. The >interesting part is when they >get mad at you because you >don't take their >pussy like you would have if >she was 10-20 years younger or >would have >stayed in shape. You think >"Don't they look in the >mirror?" > >Another interesting thing I >have seen is that there is a >bunch of guys that >specialized on these women. >They may be older AFCs that >get a little game >and use it on these older >girls because it is so easy >now. All you need is >a little rapport, kino and >away you go. It is sooo funny >to hear the girls >talking about the fact that >the guy cheated on them or >does not write or >call LOL. Also you see them >with 3 o 4 different guys >every year or so. > >"Extraordinary claims require >extraordinary evidence." >Carl Sagan >
OE's First Law: Any sufficiently long thread on mASF devolves into a flame war
about SS.
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