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mASF post by "rocker44" posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, July 7, 2005On 7/18/05 7:30:00 PM, lost_and_found wrote: >I still don't agree that there is no >distinction between direct and indirect. >It's still a different feeling in my >experience. >
I'm a little late on this thread but I've gone out extensively with both
"indirect" and "direct" game.
The main difference is this:
With 'indirect' (MM/Juggler/RSD) style game, you go into a set and you
establish that you like each other then you start hitting on your target and
going for rapport. If this isn't the structure you're using for this type of
game, you're doing it wrong.
With 'direct' (fidentia»/shark/badboy) style game you just assume that all girls
are into you and you start hitting on your target and going for rapport as an opener.
'Direct' game often times doesn't work for shit here in San Diego because guys
here have game and hit on girls all night. Everyone here is a 'natural' and
they all approach. I even go out with a groups of guys I met off of craigslist
that call themselves 'girl hunters', they go into set after set with cheesy pick-up lines and don't eject until they get the girls number. After a couple
hours of that girls become pretty hostile to direct openers. That's just my
experience here though. At more low-key venues 'direct' game works great for
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