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So you made the eye contact, now what?

mASF post by PlayerSupreme

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So you made the eye contact, now what?
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mASF post by "PlayerSupreme"
posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, July 7, 2005

On 7/7/05 10:40:00 PM, Rageking wrote:
>Hey playa, you seem to really
>know your stuff from the posts
>and threads of yours I've
>read....which leads me to some
>1.Where did you learn this
>stuff or rather how did you
>get that start? Naturally born
>good with women and improved
>from there, mentor who helped
>you, a ton of trial and error
>throughout the years,

I started way back in the 70's with "how to pick up girls" by eric webber and
then I bought his record program.

I've read a ton of books on meeting women, Including e-books. Now I will get
em and read half of them cause they are all saying the same thing. Im gearing
up to write my book for older men who are back on the dating field.

I got into hard core game from the now defunked Pimps Network. Unfortunately
too many Masf and Sosuavers found out about it and turned it into sympville.
For example:



I been trying to figure out #### for a while. I know eveybody in here been hurt
before. But how can a woman that broke up with you constantly keep leading you
on and hurting you. I'm ready to be a mack if I can only get back at my ex girl
first. She told me the other day she can have me when she want, and that's what
she's been doing for 5 months now. For example, she broke up with me 5 mon ago.
But we were still having sex. She would always say she just need some time to
herself. Selling me a dream telling me we were gonna get back together. I
believed her because I was in luv. But two months turned to 3 to 4 months. Then
all of a sudden she has a special friend. She told me she wasn't looking for
another relationship though. So i ended up being hurt again, even though we
weren't together. I asked her was they having sex she told me no. So another
month past and I called her phone, the voicemail picked up and her greeting
said you have reached: then she said her name also her special friend. So
oviously they were together now. So she hurt me again. One night I was over her
house I #### her, after I finished she told me she had sex with her special
friend. I didn't feel anything when she told me because she done hurt me so
much and broke so many promises. The point I'm trying to make is she always
finds a way to get back in my life. I guess because I wasn't having that much
luck wit hoes so I just put up wit her ####. I would stop calling her and cuss
her out, and tell her to stop calling me but she still somehow ends up calling
me and selling me anothe rdream. But now I getting my life together. My hustle
is going good. I have a few bitches, but I WANNA GIVE THIS BITCH A FAREWELL so
she can see what a bonified mack I've become. I pulled up the other day at her
job(I didn't know she worked there)So I pulled up to get my food at the drive
threw and there she was. I had another bitch in the car wit me. I was clean in
my car too, my ex saw me. After I left she blowed my phone up all night. My
other bitch was answering my phone telling my ex I was in the shower. So my ex
and I hooked up the next day, we ####. I felt used like she had me in her back
pocket. I tired of this #### I want fall for it again. How can I get back at
this bitch and reverse da game? After that I will be happy to move on

Yes it's sad to see such a great site gone to the symps. I learned from real
street pimps on handling women. Now very few come in due to the white guys who
started coming up in there posting shit like that above.

>2. From your posts, I take it
>your a big fan of natural
>game, inner game», and building
>up your natural skills with
>women in lieu of canned
>material.....So is there any
>etc. in particular you would
>recommend(aside from your
>posts) aside from inner game»
>articles(I can find plenty of

Innergame huh. Yeah. That author's first book is right on
with inner game» for example:

excert from his book:

Chapter Five: Building Self-Confidence Through P.P.S.P.

In Chapter 7 of this section I am going to give you specific techniques for
developing the qualities and characteristics that women find compelling,
desirable and attractive. In this chapter, we will lay the groundwork for
effectively understanding and using those techniques that will affect your
life. And to make comprehending these truths easy, we are going to create a
mental image to picture what we are working on.

Sit comfortably in a private, darkened room where distractions will be at a
minimum. Close your eyes... take a few slow, deep breaths to quiet your mind
and use your imagination to visualize the following:

You've been invited to a very private and special art gallery, to take a look
at a very unique painting. Imagine yourself in a mini-theater, with a small
stage surrounded by curtains on the sides and across the back -you know the
kind. A lone spotlight shines on an artist's painting easel, upon which sits a
huge, beautiful, framed canvas.

You are sitting front row center, and you've got such a good seat because it’s
the only seat in the house. What's more, only you can ever sit in this theater
and view this painting - it is for your eyes only to ever see.

You then realize that in your hands is a paintbrush and artist's palate (the
thing you put your thumb through and keep your paints on), and you have on an
artist's smock, and one of those funny French berets you've seen painters wear
is on your head. You are the artist of this painting!

As you look at the canvas closely, you see that the object of the painting is
very familiar. You know the object very well, because it is You! The painting
is a self-portrait, your personal self-portrait, which you paint in the theater
of your mind. Your subconscious controls your reactions to events and makes
decisions based upon the Personal Self-Portrait you have of who you are and how
you are. It does this the same way the electronic price-scanning device at your
local supermarket looks over the surface of an item being purchased to find the
black-and-white bar code that says how much the item is.

When confronted by a situation that gives you an opportunity to interact with a
woman you find desirable, your subconscious scans your personal opinion of
yourself, the Personal Self-Portrait upon which you've painted. It reads either
confidence and courage, or a lack of confidence, timidity and hesitancy. It
then controls the entire range of subtle, subconscious signals that you are
giving off, which the woman senses and analyzes on conscious and subconscious
levels. Remember this: men always impress women. You will always make an
impression on every woman you meet. The only question is how you will impress
her! Good? Bad? Yecchh? Masculine? Desirable? Sensual? Scardy-cat? Gutless? Her
Ideal Man?

Your subconscious controls the look in your eye, and the tone in your voice. It
controls your entire body posture and actions - how firmly and erect you stand,
and how close you stand in proximity to her or how your shoulders slump
(indicating lack of self-confidence) or how you shy away. It controls the
intonation of the words you formulate to say and the intent behind the words.
It will always control these things. You can never consciously control each and
every one of these signals you send out to a woman. Therefore trying to “act” a
certain way at some point becomes an exercise in futility because sooner or
later the mask will come off. You cannot sustain projecting a false image of
yourself forever.

But you can control the impression your subconscious has of who and how you are
through the paintbrush of your will power - by purposely, steadily, and
habitually mentally creating (painting) the picture of the person that you want
to be. By having a Positive Personal Self-Portrait - P.P.S.P. - you will make
your subconscious work FOR you and not against you by broadcasting the positive
subconscious signals you want and need to send to members of the opposite sex
(and people in general).

By using the Image Builders in Chapter 7, you will begin to take firm control
of the direction of your life, by developing characteristics about yourself
that are positive and unquestionably the personality traits that any woman
worth your time and effort will find appealing no matter what type she is. It
goes without saying that Hoes appreciate honesty and Good Girls desire their
partner to be honest and true. But realize there is nothing more appealing to a
Freak than when she finds underneath the “bad boy” hard rough aloof exterior
personal character of gold. This is what sets your hook deep into the heart and
soul of a woman: the revelation of depth and breadth of true character.

A. Gordon.


Many folks think I wrote those books but I will state once again that I did
not. The author is black though and we are almost the same age. But that is

>I pretty much go about it
>"natural" currently, without
>much canned material. I have a
>good frame once I get into
>it.....I figure there is
>something else I should add/
>look up aside from a few more
>games and routines.
>3. I'm black aswell, and was
>wondering how/or even if I
>should let their affect my
> you said,
>some girls will be
>uncomfortable around us or
>take some more "game" than a
>white guy....I figure I
>shouldn't even think about it,
>after all, it's there problem
>if they got a problem with me
>becuase I'm black...fuck
>them(no pun intended)....

Fuck em. Your player time is too valuable trying to confince a white bitch to
jump ship. Unless she is checking you out. I've boned quite a few ones who
had never been to the dark side only because I noticed their interest either
before approaching or if I was in a group and would try to catch their eye as I
was talking.

Im a natural/learned leader so I'm always talking and trying to lead and shit.
I always have an opinion on
>then again I'm a light skinned
>black guy with a baby face so
>I probaly don't give the same
>affect as a darker skinned
>black guy.

Actually no you don't. You lighter skinned el debarge looking mofo's have it
so much easier than us darker ones. Light skinned ones who are mixed, I've
noticed like Vin Diesel have a much easier time cause your half white to begin
with. For some reason this makes it not so bad in the girls eyes (as if being
black was a bad but what I'm saying is more acceptable to family
and friends and peer groups.

My father is mixed but he wouldn't date a white woman. He likes em very dark
or asians.
>4. In another thread you
>mentioned something about ADD
>and the hunter gene in terms
>of focusing on the girl...I
>thought it was pretty
>interesting....I read up on
>the hunter gene theory, and
>was wondering if you know of
>any other applications of it
>in ppicking up women....only
>think I can think of is that I
>get into my frame extremely
>easy and have boundless

Your sense of smell, often I can smell when a woman is getting near her period.
I used to be able to walk in and smell the women who were ovulating or on their
periods. Of course the goobers are going to make a comment on

Your ability to focus in. When you have the ability to hyper focus in you
don't miss much. You can hear flucutations with ease in a womans voice. You
can sense her very body movements and know when to apply more pressure.

When you walk into a club your senses are on outward focus and you can almost
see each chick who is checking you out. You have no idea how many times I have
to tell guys that I am talking to who is checking them out. I have said many
many times before that I can see fly shit on blade of grass on a lawn.

I don't miss much in a crowded room. It's like my senses go on overload and I
can literally feel the bitches who will make a good connection.

What some of the geeks on this site forget that all this ho chasing is designed
for a ultimate purpose by nature. To breed. Turning it into a rocket science
isn't the way.

Going back in time is.

It's all about connection. Connection with the right female to breed with.
That is what motivates us deep down. And that is the level that I try to stay

I think being of the old hunter gatherer gene is what allows me to connect with
this energy or way. And it's not for everyone.

Years ago I used to think it was about techniques. Then I thought it was about
learning more game shit. As I evolved I began to drop all that nonsense. I
went back to my roots.

Roots meaning that I realize that I am a male. A man. And that that woman
accross the room is a woman. We are both designed by nature to fuck. That is
our purpose in meeting.

Who am I to deny nature its due and complicate it with all that shit that I was
trying just to make what should happen naturally with the RIGHT female.

Of course the geek squad will chime in right about here "well is she a 10?"
And my answer is sometimes that woman is and sometimes she is a 7 8 or 9. On
MY scale if I were to even attempt to translate that into the geek measurement

I measure a female by if she looks fuckable. How submissive she is. Is she
sexy. Is she curvy and feminine. Is she feeling me.

What I've found on my journey is that I was pulling bitches all along. I
didn't need any techniques. I just needed to walk over and let nature take
it's course. Of course the geek squad will chime in again with something

Nature has designed me to breed. To fuck lots of women. That is why my sex
drive is so high. I'm way off the fuggin charts homie. A few years ago I
fucked 7 different women in a row within a single day and I wacked off 3 times.

So this hunter gatherer gene should of given you a sex drive of a fuggin dog in
heat. This is why I had to realize that I'm not made for just one female by

Settling with just one is a society thing. A human organizational attempt to
get us to conform to the rules.

Ok enough said.

Unless otherwise noted, this article is Copyright©2005 by "PlayerSupreme" with implicit permission provided to for reproduction. Any other use is prohibited without the explicit permission of the original author.


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