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mASF post by "BigWave" posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, April 4, 2004On 4/7/04 5:34:00 AM, Sirducer wrote: >This "shit" will never go >mainstream simply because MOST >guys are too damn lazy to >correct their social skills >and dating game. Sure some >will browse and read TFM but >leave it after that because >after memorizing and reciting >all the various "opinion pick >up lines" and etc they will >not have much success due to >the wrong tonality, BL and >etc. You gotta stick to it to >succeed. Hardly any guys will >do this in order to get pussy, >most will want to spend lotsa >cash on fast cars and big >houses in order to score, only >a handful will actually try >and figure out the social >dynamics of seducing women. >The media has alot to do with >this also. > >-Sirducer Style-
You're on point with this one Sirducer. I'd like to add a couple more points
here though. You see, I believe there are a lot of guys out there who would
have the work ethic required to develop this skill set. The reason why it will
never happen is simply because:
1) Most people wouldn't take this seriously. I remember first hearing about Ross Jeffries on some TV show a few years back. At the time, I thought to
myself "This dude cannot be real. What kind of moron would actually pay money
for this snake oil shit?" Now that I've been here and seen the effectiveness
of the information, obviously I think very differently. Most people would
never take this seriously, as its so far out of their reality. BTW, I'm not
picking on RJ here, as he has some great material. He was just the most
visible guy from the community at the time.
2) Secondly, most guys don't even think they have a problem. I've got buddies
who think they have solid game, just because they got lucky and fell ass
backwards into punani once or twice over the last few years.
Its just like any other self help stuff that comes out. We would have a much
better society if everyone read up on some Stephen Covey (sp?) or Anthony
Robbins. Both of these guys are mainstream, yet most people think that they
don't need to improve their lives anyway.
Regardless, it makes it that much better for those of us who are "in the know."
I'm BigWave. I don't need a signature.
Unless otherwise noted, this article is Copyright©2004 by
"BigWave" with implicit permission provided to for
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