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mASF post by "ZeroBox" posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, January 1, 2005From article:
"He turns around, stung. “See, when someone knows I'm a pickup artistthey
think it's all a game,” he says. I feel a flash of regret for insulting him;
for a moment I wish I could take it back. But it occurs to me that con men take
their name from an abbreviation of the word confidence—not their own, but the
misplaced confidence of their target. ."
Mystery will soon learn that the Mainstream Media (or propaganda machine)
doesn't want to endorse sexual liberation with either sex. They built him up
only to take him down in the end of the article. No misogyny intended, but
some of the tactics he has used are used by many women (which is where he may
have gotten them from ie..the backturn)
If hypocrisy were a crime amerika would be behind bars
"The parade around the island is colourful, full of costumes representing
nature. Howie spots Rowan being led for an apparent sacrifice and attempts to
rescue her. He is quickly surround and it is only then that he discovers the
truth: Rowan's disappearance was simply a ruse to lure the good Christian man
to Summerisle for a ritual sacrifice. Feverishly offering up prayers to Jesus,
Howie is placed inside a giant wicker man that is set afire against the setting
The Wickerman
Unless otherwise noted, this article is Copyright©2005 by
"ZeroBox" with implicit permission provided to for
reproduction. Any other use is prohibited without the explicit permission of the
original author.