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mASF post by "n3rv1" posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, July 7, 2005For the most part I agree 100%. As far as a strong mind being the central
"fulcrum" of just about everything we do in life, you are absolutely right.
Like it or not, strength is a masculine attribute, and the stronger and more
willful you are, the better you will be as a whole person.
Thumbs up on this post!
On 7/28/05 11:00:00 AM, jettiger wrote: >If your mind is weak, not >matter what workshops you >attend or what you read - you >will NEVER get really good at >PU. > >To get good you must first >make your mind stronger. Teach >yourself discipline and >self-control. The lazy ones >and the ones who are more >dependent on surrounding >people will find it very hard >to improve. But when you >believe in yourself and when >you fucking decide that you >want to achieve something and >promise that you will do >ANYTHING that must be done to >achieve it - and you hold your >word, then you can improve in >any field of life. > >The time you spend watching TV >or sarging or reading about >sarge can be used so that >later after you improve >yourself (body and mind) and >learn new things (psychology >and so on), then during sarges >you can do much less effort >and get better results. > >Remember - who have weak mind >will always be a loser... This >means don't let mistakes or >failures scare you away from >your goals in life and don't >let women be center of your >life. The time we devote to >sarging can be used to learn >few languages, learn NLP or >so... think about it. > >If you make your mind stronger >- you automatically will >become stronger...
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