mASF post by "zarathustra_fi" posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, July 7, 2005On 7/29/05 12:03:00 AM, Jestor wrote:
you are spot on with this post.
>She should already be comfortable enough >to have sex with you, since she's known >you for so long. You don't really need >to date or go through the courtship >stage, unless it's for provider land.
Agree. He is lucky because this chicks is such a player that she does not even
unconsciously consider the option of having a provider right now. She would
have LJBFed him already, otherwise.
>IMO you should have tried to fuck her >this night. The time to fuck is always >RIGHT NOW if right now means she's >horny.
Spot on Jestor. The time for a fuck is always RIGHT NOW and ESPECIALLY with a
chick like this.
>It doesn't matter so much if you don't >succeed in fucking her. What matters >most is that you went for it.
Guys: write these words on the mirror you shave yourself in in the morning!
When you act like this with a woman, especially a hot woman you are NEVER
>And women >remember that. It's the guy who held >back that they flake on.
>I've had women >who seemed to flake on me call me out of >the blue months later, to fuck, because >the last time we went out that's what I >planned to do and she knew it.
I have fucked chicks who resisted me for whatever reasons even 1-2 YEARS after
I tried to fuck them in the first place. And it was BECAUSE I did not take
their BS and went for the KILL any single time I met them.
>It's the >ones that I was considerate with whom I >never heard from again. >Since she didn't flake on you at this >point and instead set up another meet >with you then she is likely wanting you >to be her b/f. But you never know the >real truth until you go for it. The >truth always comes out in the bedroom.
Yes, the truth in many sarges comes out in the bedroom. There are sarges when
one needs to go that far to know the truth. BODY NEVER LIES.
>Either she is chasing or she is trying >to lead you. But I get the feeling that >she is trying to lead..maybe she told >her GF that you are going to be her new >b/f. This is a tougher dynamic for fast >seduction.
She is a dominant chick who is looking for someone MORE DOMINANT. Her KARMA is
that when she finds him she will FALL IN LOVE, of which she is scared more than
Once I learned that one of the chicks I fucked in the course of a 3some later
on started a relationship with a psychopath who held her prisoner in his house
and between the other "sweet" things he did to her he threatned her with a gun
and beat her up.. I realize that for THAT dominant chick only the PSYCHOPATH
>Whenever a woman resists like this the >best medicine I've found is to push >harder. If she resists a kiss on the >lips, check her resistance to grabbing >her ass, make a joke of it. Tell her >you don't kiss on the first date and >then start undoing her pants. Have fun >with it. It really is fun.
Yes it is fun and it is the only thing which REALLY WORKS!
>I think you are more in her frame just >by the fact that you are acting on her >timeline too much and she is suggesting >what to do and where to go a little too >much.
>Take that away from her and start >upsetting HER plans.
>Unless your kino is overtly sexual then >you are doing a bad thing by kino'ing >her at this stage. Think of the nice >guy kino and don't do that.
Yes, he is doing nice guy kino and seeking rapport. That approach would maybe
work with a normal, good girl but with this one is supplication.
>You have to flush out what she actually >wants. A girl talks aboout sex and >threesomes either she wants to fuck or >she DOESN'T.
Agree: she is either a player or a cockteaser and with someone you need to go
to the bedroom to know..
>From your point of view >you should not care whether she has ASD >or whatever emotional issues may be on >her mind. ANY woman who talks about sex >you STEP IT UP a notch and take away >that sense of power she gets from >talking about sex as a way to control >your horniness.
From the Kama Sutra:"A woman who talks about sex or communicates sex in anyway
while resisting the man HAS DO BE LAID" ( not sure about the exact words: I
read this when I was 17)
>Yeah, she sees you as a boyfriend and is >doling out the affection at her pace, >giving you bait and then putting >conditions on top of it. It's all >subtle.
I would say she is shit testing him and trying to 101 because she is not 100%
sure has she to put him into the boyfriend/malegirlfriend cathegory OR into the
player/bad guy cathegory. She is not sure because on one hand he is doing the
moves of a player and on another hand is not being congruent by not fucking
her. She will keep testing him UNTIL SHE FINDS OUT and only after she will do
her moves..
She likes him PHYSICALLY a LOT.
>Push harder with the kino, in other >words go for the lay. Was there a bush >nearby??
Eh,eh,eh. This has been a classic for me all my life.. Especially when they
tried to give me the kind of BS this chicks is giving to him..
Franco:"Let´s go!"
Franco:"To the bush"
Franco:"I am going to fuck you there" ( heavy kino, grabs ger ass)
>This is reactive social proof. It's not >a strong move and she can tell you're >just saying it because she said it.
Agree. Never act reactive. Always PROACTIVE!
>How many sides is she playing?
She would suck even dogs and cats...:)
>bitch. But what can you expect from a >woman who is leading. That doesn't >exactly turn on the passion in her.
That´s the point.
>Also, if she calls, consider dramatizing >the situation by showing anger with her.
Yes, that could be one way to lay her. "Hey, what the fuck you are doing? I am
here at my apartment and I have to listen to all the bullshit. Stop it!" Shut
the telephone in her ears. Anyway if there is also some "feminist politics" in
her background that could have her run away. I would say that ther BUSH +
TAKING HER PANTIES OFF THERE is the way to go with her while establishing
DOMINANCE OF HIS FRAME ON HIS TERMS. After all that is the way to lay a Freak
isn´t it?
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