mASF post by "ox" posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, May 5, 2005On 5/30/05 12:46:00 PM, jaydilla wrote: >There has always been a >discussion amongst the >seduction boards that a strong >frame of mind is essential, >not just for PU, but in life >in general. Now I used to read >this all the time, but I never >REALLY understood what it >meant. Yes, I would say, I >have a strong frame of mind! I >am determined! I won't let >anything stop me! Which was >great, because it led me here >to my current situation. But >the power of thought does not >stop there. To have a real >strong belief in your thoughts >will determine every external >factor that comes to you. A >true understanding of this is >crucial to success. > >Circumstance is not something >that is determined by luck, it >is only determined by the >manifestation of your >thoughts. Afterall, a man's >character is the sum of all >his thoughts. Think about YOUR >current situation in your >life. For myself, I can see >where I had the thoughts of a >king in particular areas of my >life and how I soared, and >other areas where I let my >thoughts and desire dwindle >and how they correspond to my >life now. This is the power of >thought. Thought is spawned by >desire for something, and if >you have this strong belief >and strong desire, then there >is nothing to stop you. That >is it. This is how to shape >your own reality. Everything >that doesn't enter the >equation will naturally be >ignored. Respect is a given. >Fear is not something that is >considered. This true belief >in yourself and desire to >accomplish will carry you >through. It has carried many >great people before you, and >will continue to do the same >in the future. > >So now do not underestimate >the power of thought. If you >plant the seeds for positive >thoughts, positive reactions >WILL come. Likewise, negative >thoughts will garner negative >reactions. A successful person >does not fall from grace due >to fate or bad circumstances, >it is his negative thoughts >and desires which have led him >to his downfall. My advice to >those with a weak frame of >mind, as a beginning is to >write down positive statements >and to read these to yourself >once a day. This is nothing >new. But this is all from MY >experience, and it has worked >wonders for me. Let me give >you another example in >relation to PU. > >I posed a question asking how >people would tackle a >situation regarding a group >setting with 4 guys and 4 >girls. After reading the >replies an interesting thought >just came to me. When my >thought pattern is similiar to >this - "I have to break into >the group. I will open this >guy now and get the girl" it >is like they can already smell >my agenda from a mile away.
practice opening afc´s in clubs. it is good practice. you will get comfortable
when you have to tool them in a group. it is really simple. open guys. talk to
guys. befriend the guys(get used to this by opening afc´s and proping them and
shit). then neg target and isolate need a dhv machine there to get
the group going..
>The only time I've ever >successfully done it 100% is >when another drunk guy from >the group approached me as I >opened up his unwilling >friend. If my thought pattern >is like this - "I will be a >cool sociable guy" I can >usually open anyone because >there is no hidden agenda and >they sense that. Now, for the >TRUE power of thought. If my >thought pattern is this - "She >is a beautiful woman and I am >going to get to know her" >backed with strong DESIRE and >FAITH in myself, nothing is >going to stop me from >approaching her like a man, >like a real alpha. To think is >to act. > >Every action I do, everything >that happens to me, everything >that comes to me is due to my >thoughts. Now live the life >YOU want to lead. Plant the >positive seeds of thought in >your mind and reap the >harvest. There REALLY is >NOTHING stopping you.