mASF post by "hotlab" posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, July 7, 2004On 7/8/04 1:16:00 PM, Harmless wrote: >On 7/8/04 9:13:00 AM, hotlab wrote: >>On 7/8/04 7:20:00 AM, Harmless wrote: >>>If you haven't posted a LR, >>>don't pretend that you have >>>anything to say about any >>>seduction issue. I'm not >>>naming names. You know who you >>>are. If you don't know who you >>>are, I'll be more than happy >>>to let you know. >> >>Harmless, it's pretty obvious that you >>are talking about me, because I dared to >>criticize what you wrote in Advanced. If >>you aren't able to discuss the shit >>you're posting but merely seek to be >>flattered as a seduction guru then >>please at least don't get all huffy >>either. > >Well, not specifically about you... but >I guess it does apply, doesn't it?
I thought because we had a little difference of opinion five minutes before
posting this.
If it applies to me or not is pretty much pointless. I don't know if it applies
to you either. I don't read much FRs and can't judge what's made up or not. I
usually judge posts by their content.
> >>The main conflict that arises on this >>board permanently is between guys who >>are following the fast-lay philosophy >>and guys who are striving for >>relationships (and believe me there are >>plenty of them). These two approaches >>are to a large degree incompatible but >>still have many things in common. Look >>at Real_Quiet's recent post on Advanced, >>which addresses a relationship issue. >>ijjjji, who is definitely not interested >>in relationships, steps in, critizises >>the post without really understanding >>it. These kind of discussions are >>completely counterproductive. I'm >>feeling guilty too, because your post >>probably was intended towards the >>fast-lay community and I stepped in with >>a long-term seduction issue. > >Actually, it was most definitely >directed towarsd the entire community. >The basic idea is that you have to be >relaxed, totally within your own >reality, and confident that you are an >attractive person, rather than TRYING to >attract anyone. This is something that >is core to both my and ijjjji's games, >and actually applies to both fast >seduction and relationships.
I got this and told you so in my post. This is almost trivial. I wrote this
myself at times in other words. Everybody writes it. What I didn't agree with
is that you don't make her the center of your attention. Real_Quiet stated it
perfectly why this works and actually is a good thing. If it doesn't work
you're still supplicating.
> >I wish you had looked at the post on a >larger scale instead of small-chunking >down to the individual examples I >provided. The examples were there to try >to provide context clues so that people >couild better understand a difficult >subject. And since my examples are based >on fast seduction, I can understand that >you didn't like them. But the CONCEPT is >still a good one for either camp.
Maybe I try to read it again. But it would help to summarize the key points.
> >If you had picked up on the basic >meaning of my post, I bet you would have >been right with me, ESPECIALLY because >of your bias for relationships. The >essense of my game is about being a >MONEY GUY that girls are naturally drawn >to, not spitting routines and >cavemanning her into bed.
Again I didn't disagree with you're whole post, just with the statement I
mentioned above. What got me upset is that ijjjji dismissed Robert Greene's
"Art of Seduction", which I cited as counter-example, as AFC literature and
additionally insulted me.
> >>From what I wrote here, it should be >>clear that I'm not that interested in >>getting laid fast. If the opportunity is >>there, I grab it. But I don't go out in >>order to sarge women. This is too boring >>to me. I go out to have a drink and/or >>to talk with friends. Sometimes sex is >>offered virtually in front of my nose. >>If I'm in the mood I'll go for it >>(happened 3 times this year), if not I >>leave her alone. But I don't write >>reports about this, because it's a waste >>of time. > >It could be argued that you have no >place at FAST SEDUCTION.COM» since you >are not, in fact, interested in fast >seduction.
From the charter:
"The topic of this board is the discussion of pick-up and seduction techniques
and ideas."
>It is certainly >counterproductive to the mission of this >board as a whole for people who don't >like to "get laid fast" to criticise >people who do merely for this reason.
I never said, that I don't like getting laid fast. I don't like sarging. > >In general, though, you should keep in >mind that whatever your personal >preference, this board IS about "getting >laid fast".
Look at the charter about the purpose of the board
>If you disagree with a post >simply because it is about fast >seduction rather than relationships, >this is not the place for it.
I disagreed with the post because I considered a statement of you to be wrong.
I cited a respected book about seduction as a proof. You demanded LRs as a
proof. Too me this makes no sense.
>But like I >said, I can't actually fault you for not >enjoying the sarging process or fools >mates because I don't really enjoy those >things either. ;-)
Occasionally I enjoy fool's mate. BTW the sarging process contradicts the whole
philosophy you described in your post, which I understand as "Be a confident
guy who has a life and doesn't need validation by chicks". If you're sarging
all the time or reading mASF, you don't have a life and have to fake it.
Now I'm running out of time. HBColombia is waiting;-)
Maybe I reply to the remainder of your post tommorrow.