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mASF post by "Denverman" posted on: mASF forum: Tactics / Techniques Discussion, November 11, 2003On 11/8/03 4:44:00 AM, Mystery wrote: >Have you noticed that there >were more FRs on Halloween. >Why is this? Because some >idiotic tradition convinced >you to get out of the house >that night. stupid reason to >get out of the house. here is >a better one: because the >PURPOSE of life is to >REPLICATE and you must FIND >her before you can FUCK. Did >you go out the night before? >Or did you think, "Ill be >going out tomorrow so Ill stay >in tonight."? > >Maybe you figured, "its a >party night, there'll be more >women to choose from." and yet >we all know that it only takes >ONE GIRL to make your night. >you dont NEED a huge party >crowd around you if you've >found ONE worthy target. > >Maybe hiding behind an >identity 'mask' allowed you to >act differently. maybe you >felt more confident because >you knew others would be >insecure in their strange >costumes. or maybe you were >able to act GOOFY because of >the Halloween excuse. Maybe it >was the costume that allowed >the conversation to BEGIN >(BAITING the girl). or maybe >her costume allowed you to >COMMENT on it, thereby >beginning the conversation. >Well, why do you wear NORMAL >stuff when its NOT halloween, >but SPECIAL stuff ON >halloween? If you want to get >NOTICED, EVERY DAY should be >halloween. Dress up. PEACOCK. >wear something that will turn >heads and for good or bad, >make people comment. BAIT >them. > >people are very insecure if >they think they have to wear a >costume on halloween. they >need to CONFORM. its the >UNIQUE individual who can wear >a costume when its NOT >halloween. > >how many of you DIDNT wear a >costume on halloween and felt >INSECURE, thinking people >would judge you as too poor >for a costume or too >conservative? what did I wear >on halloween? jeans haa. > >Make EVERY DAY HALLOWEEN. make >every day a SPECIAL DAY where >you dress up to party and get >attention and bait people to >talk to you. > >Mystery
Kick Ass! There is only one motivator/Seduction Guru that
rocks compared to all of the other shit! MM is the life changing juice of the
PUA world. So is the man behind it.
Want to stay with the kind of game you have?
Do what you have always done then, dress up like an AFC who is more insecure
then a dumass pre pubic teen.
Want to get laid?
Peacock and play MM.
Any questions?
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