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mASF post by SexPDX

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mASF post by "SexPDX"
posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, March 3, 2003

This is not a moral issue for me and I don't mean to take anyone to task
over the morality of their lying or not lying in their seductions.

I used to lie a lot both in my seductions and in the rest of my life. When
I first came to ASF, I was heavily influenced by MrSex4uNYC who said...

"When chicks say just be yourself, they really mean be honest which is a
MISTAKE! your job is to be the man they want to fuck. your job is NOT to
let them
understand who you are and how you function. As far as that version of be
yourself, FORGET IT because it will only get you IN with chicks that like
exactly as is. elicit her values then mirror them back to her."

It was BECAUSE I believed this that I was for a long time not as successful
as I felt I could be.

I have come to a point where I realize that for me lying comes with a price
that I no longer want to pay. For whatever reason, I have an inherent need
to see myself as a person of integrity. Anything I do that brings me
further from seeing myself that way comes causes me to have to endure a
certain discomfort with interferes with my ability to convey the belief of
my own attractiveness. I will never pay this price again.

Becoming her ideal sex partner by mirroring her values back to her? Why?
Her ideal sex partner is one that is comfortable revealing the things that
make him human. I AM her ideal sex partner.

My decision to tell HB SeaTac about Juggler's REAL job, that I had taken his
workshop and about my involvement in the community was a controversial one
among my close friends in this community. For me, it's such a breath of
fresh air to be able to be THIS HONEST with a chick.

About a week after the workshop HB SeaTac and I were talking on the phone
and I told her "Yeah, tomorrow I am going out with David Shade to pick up
girls. He's the guy who can hypnotize chicks into making them come when
they suck his dick." I love being able to just say things like that to a

I will point out however, that I had the opportunity to tell her about
Juggler's position as a seduction guru when she met him and tell her about
the workshop in the community beforehand but I feel justified in having
delayed that until after sex. The reason for that is because it would have
ruined the seduction for her to know that I was in fact a trained
seductionist. It would be like she was watching The Crying Game for the
first time and someone yelled out "SHE'S A GUY!" She did not want to know
how the story actually ended, even if she had a good idea. I kept from her
momentarily out of politeness in not spoiling her enjoyment of the

You can tell a woman ANYTHING as long as you can back it up and you are
believable in the role you are presenting to her. I used to think "NO WAY"
when I heard Mystery recommend telling women "I practice sex magic" but now
I know that is a KICK ASS thing to say IF you can back it up well.
Personally, I would be more likely to tell girls that women are my passion.
No longer will I hide from that, it is THE TRUTH.

Nothing to hide...


Unless otherwise noted, this article is Copyright©2003 by "SexPDX" with implicit permission provided to for reproduction. Any other use is prohibited without the explicit permission of the original author.


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