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[posts in this section may be edited, but only for spelling corrections and readability]
mASF post by "Chris Wickman" posted on: USENet: newsgroup, February 2, 1998Well, I'm not exactly a newbie. I bought some of the stuff way back and
it helped me a lot, unfortunately the stuff got thrown away (I won't go
into details, heh heh).
I am VERY confused about Ross's great catalog of stuff. Everything he
has is complementary to one another, and I feel like I have to spend
$1000 to get all the information. I'm a college student--don't have a
lot of money, but willing to buy some of the S.S. stuff. My budget is
WHAT SHOULD I PURCHASE? Or, a better question is what would be the best
item or item(s) to purchase that contain all the basics of the S.S.
Example, the Home Study Course looks cool, but what about the Seduction
Masters Weekend series? What about the video tapes, et al? I am willing
to purchase one huge item or a lot of little ones.
As experienced S.S. users, what are the, let us say, top three most
important/best products in Ross's catalog (in order of importance)?
What's better, the Advanced Seduction Master's Weekend or the Home Study
Unless otherwise noted, this article is Copyright©1998 by
"Chris Wickman" with implicit permission provided to for
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original author.