mASF post by "PlayboyNZ" posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, August 8, 2005On 8/15/05 10:11:00 AM, SmoothGuy69 wrote: > >Below this post you'll find >extracts from a field report >of mine.. it spilled out in a >FR yet I would like to get the >following feedback. It's >raised a few points that I >would like to open up with you >guys. > >1. Could you guys share in >this post by reply your >findings after changing your >image, and what did you go >from/to image wise? > >2. How much do you think it's >about game and how much about >looks % wise? Did your game >style change to reflect your >image change and what kind of >things did you change? Did >you start to attract different >types of girls, ie less party >oriented.. what image styles >do you adopt with which game >styles? Do you have a number >of personas? What happened >when you dropped the >peacocking? > >3. How did you do with >getting accustomed to the >change in image? What kind of >things happened during this >time? > >Feel free to jot down whatever >you want. > >SmoothGuy69 > >____ >FR Extracts.. from >OR: SmoothGuy69 Takes A >Break.. Diary of a madman. > >Morning: > >Funny thing happened today. My >looks are back arount the 9/10 >scale. I have gone back to >being well groomed and model >like. My experiments are over. >Funny thing is, I am not used >to the reaction I used to get >and take for granted. I had to >go back and become real. I >realised something about >myself. This woman she looked >at me completely wide eyed, >smiling and besotted. I >fucking went to pieces - very >nervous. I can't handly that >sort of love type energy, I am >not used to that right now. It >was really freaky, like she >was CRAZY about me, I felt >nervous like I said. I can't >really describe it any other >way than that. I lost it >there. Went to pieces. She was >REALLY fucking into me, too >much so. > >It's with tears in my eyes >that I say goodbye to a phase >in my life, a phase where I >had NOTHING TO LOSE. I have >groomed myself up again, my >social experiments are >complete and smoothmethod is >born out of it, a crying baby >into the fabric of people who >want to Seduce with an angle >that I had to pursue out of >passion.. > >For ten years I was a model, I >looked and lived the lifestyle >of a 10. Player. Natural. >Fucking other models as >fuckbuddies and sex was like a >line of coke. A haze of good >times, taken for granted. Not >worked for. Plastic and >Expected. It was just the done >thing. Beautiful people >fucking each other in a primal >way. Day in and day out, that >was the game. > >Sadistic, girls would game >good looking guys, seeing them >naked on their bed. See a >model guy there right now, >emotions bled dry, naked, >open, fucked and used, >attraction reached intensity, >now becoming stale, bland, new >attraction required. They are >icy cold these women. But so >was I. We took each other's >asses and moved on time after >time after time. That's the >way it goes in that circle. >You might think it sounds >exciting but it's not. It's >fake. Hair salon whiny speak, >the games, the other world, >the saunas, the weights rooms. >The beauty. All about beauty. >and PARTIES. Oh hell, loads of >parties. Fucking loads of >them. It's unforgiving. Then >it's time to realise a few >things. > >I hated the plastic nature of >the lifestyle. I hated the way >my friends didn't get a look >in because their personality >wasn't shaped by years of high >times and bossy social >circles. MY STATE DIDN'T MATCH >MY LOOKS LIKE MOST HB'S MALE >OR FEMALE, I took time out of >society to answer some things >that were eating my insides. >Now I have a TEN inner game» >and it's a passion to see that >seduction mastery delivered to >someone else in a few days of >meeting them. Why? Because I >know how it feels to be >swimming in a current of >society with frustrations, >anger and helplessness. >Liberation through mastery. I >have gained my PUA chops in a >different way to many, yet >it's touching and nostalgic >after all this time, how I >have become a part of this >community and all it has given >to us all. > >I decided to examine society >and see if I can get that type >of attraction OTHER than by >social circle and looks. > >I went homeless. Survival >game, to sleep for the night I >had to venue change to their >place. It improves your chops. >Didn't wash. Grew a big ass >beard. I barely looked like a >model any more. Now and again >girls could see through it but >it was on the whole, a good >subterfuge. > >I built a set of techs and a >method for seduction based on >my ten years knowledge of >building value amongst high >value girls, my results in >field and a keen instinct >coupled with an edge in that I >DIDN'T CARE WHAT THE RESULT >WAS. > >Experiments after experiments. > >I have reached the point where >I could still live the same >lifestyle of a top model yet >looking like complete shit and >smelling like crap. All based >on game. Looks were not the >issue. Yes, some interesting >insights are combined into my >techniques due to the fact >that I have seen the HIGHS and >the LOWS of this game, and >everything in between. I LIVED >the lifestyle of a top player >from every angle. Now I feel >complete since I can assist >the right people to taste it >and live it as well. > >Hollywood is probably burnt >out. I saw a different side to >him on the last day I saw him, >(Monday). He was a little >down, worried, seems the true >Hollywood was seen and he saw >the true side of me, maybe >we're both looking for >answers, yet they come from >within, he was right about >that. He got some amazing >career advice from my brother, >hope he appreciates it, would >never have done that for >anyone else. Looks like he's >at a strange fork in his life >there. I haven't seen him >since. > >I myself was totally frazzled >after our big burnout. >Definitely I answered some >questions for myself. I am >focusing more on other things >and dropping down to Executive >Instructing in the future so I >can concentrate on other >projects. One person can't >take on this workload anymore. > >I have answered the questions >I needed to answer in my >sarging binges, for the moment >there's nothing more for me to >experiment with, although I am >happy to package and transfer >these skills to others in the >best way possible for them. > >I cracked Leicester Square, >the toughest place on the >planet. I patterned girls off >the street into the bedroom, >(THAT'S why they call it speed >seduction *ding!* I took group >sets of 9s back to a beautiful >pad in Chelsea and fucked pr0n >party style, chasing girls >into cars/buses/trains.. >opening group sets wherever I >go, amog battling 6'5" >basketball heads..I had >negging matches with girls in >the street, endless FB's that >come and go out of the city, >the LTRs that were promised by >me yet didn't happen (sorry >girls!) the LTRs that were >given up for more gaming (yes, >tears were shed), the endless >wash of different lifestyles, >sharing of personal spaces, >clothes, chattels and souls >and auras, the fights, the >passion, the guts, the glory, >the HIGHS and the LOWS. The >strength that came from it. >The chaos and mystery that >surrounds SmoothMethod.. I DID >IT MY WAY. > >So many memories in a short >time, PUA lifetimes crammed >into a nutshell. > >I have given up on HBModel and >she knows that now. She's a >party girl 100% and that's not >my scene. A pseudo party girl >I can hang with but this nut >has nothing inside but hot >air. > >Feels like another stage in my >life now. > >Feel free to email in the >meantime. > >To the guys I have trained, >happy days and keep in touch >with your conquests and >development. To the guys I >haven't, happy days too. Stay >on your path. > >Smile a bit more often guys >and get some other hobbies >apart from gaming girls! It's >really good for you in the >long run. You don't want to >end up like me.. or do you? > >SmoothGuy69 >
wtf, man i seriously suspect that you are even above gpua or rafc...