mASF post by "PlayboyNZ" posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, August 8, 2005On 8/15/05 2:57:00 PM, ivk wrote: >I don't drink at all anymore, >and even when I did I was >never a dumb drunk. > > >But playernz thats exactly >whats happening. All I hear is >complaints from friends that >girls say I'm a jerk, an >asshole, but mentally I know >alot of girls like the cocky >attitude but I really don't >know if I'm coming off as too >much of an asshole. > >Everytime I get the 'jerk' or >'asshole' comment from a girl >she really means the opposite >and she's totally into me. It >seems like I'm too much of a >challenge to girls. That >anything they do doesn't >impress me at all. If they >make a comment, I just turn it >around with a verbal comeback, >or some type of negative body >language. It's just you try >playing the role of that jerk, >and you totally become it. You >do it so much that your no >longer the same person. I dont >know, I'm just tired of >doubting whether or not I'm >playing the role too much. I'm >just the type of person that >hates to have people having a >grudge against me.
It is actually good that it is happening for you. fuck man. if you are not
called a jerk once in your life, that life is not worth living anyway. dude,
you'll learn sooo much later, trust me. surprisingly, friends who thought i'm
rude and a jerk actually wanna hang around me and have drinks with me ...all
sorts of things. This is a phase. let it keep happening. next time you wanna neg, HINT IT.. for example, if you tell a chick, you know, you could be a model
if you were taller..or if you lost weight( this one got me into trouble) i
might consider you, say it in a way that you are trying to improve their life,
by advising them. with that tonality.
and caring whether ppl have a grudge on you or not, is non alpha, so STOP DOING
best regards... playboy nz