mASF post by "Paraiso" posted on: mASF forum: Advanced Discussion, August 8, 2005On 8/11/05 11:48:00 AM, chariot wrote: > >like all the great PUA's - i >notice even the slightest >shifts in my game... its all a >process and shifts can take >weeks or months. but its good >to be aware of them. > >when i consistently started >hooking and attracting >extremely early, i realised >that ultimately i was >supremely comfortable in set. > >like when im rolling up to >girls - there are some thought >processes that never really >occur anymore, but they used >to. My mind used to be >swirling with things to say, >how i was going to approach... >like a movie in my head i >would watch the set go down >before it did... and it rarely >happened as the movie preview >predicted. > >so as i started gaining more >and more field experience, i >started not being outcome >dependant AT ALL... like ZERO. >I would roll in and ASSUME >ALWAYS that it was on.
This is very true. This is the next logical step on your way to becoming
Always assuming that it is on is the most important skill to learn IMO. This
is achieved through field work and the successes that you have. Once you
become more confident you begin to stream-line your game and you can drop the
linear way of doing things. This is the desired destination. This is where
everyone who is getting laid is operating from. At this stage of the game it
doesn't matter what you open with or what you follow up with. You start to get
loose and comfortable in set and you start pulling things off automatically.
>like the best cocktail, its >the right mix of CHARACTER >(style, conversational skill >and uniqueness), PRESENCE >(tonality, body language) and >POSITIVITY (fun) that gets the >best results. > >always be conscious of what >you are PROJECTING... what do >you sub communicate as a >person?... what are the most >high value people projecting? > >how to mix the best >cocktail...
This can often be confusing as hell. High value people radiate outwards what
they believe themselves to be. What you sub-communicate is what you believe
about yourself. You can get the right mix by knowing that it's up to you to
set your own price. Ask for less and that's just what you'll get. Ask for
more and you send a signal that you're worth a lot. I don't agree with the
conscious observation of how you carry yourself. I can see how this would make
some dudes obsessed with fixing and micro-analyzing every last bit of what they
project. Not good. If you fix your head then everything else falls into place.
Your successes will influence what you think and thus you will generate high
value. Trust me.
>NOW this also teaches us that >the game is not VOCAL based... >its what you are projecting >that matters. >I used to want the BEST lines >to say, the best stories, the >best routines... but i wasnt >focusing on what i was >projecting... >thats why this whole INDIRECT >vs DIRECT opening thing is >bullshit. >They both work, in >different logistical >contexts... for example id >rather stop a moving street >set with an opinion opener >rather than "HEY, My names >Tim"
>Having said that, hey my names >tim has worked for me >countless times because im >projecting the right things... >in my tonality, my presence, >my unreactiveness - i honestly >do not care.
This is true.
>So to ultimately be >comfortable in set > >1. You should have no thoughts >in your head as you roll up. >None. Like just think about an >opener and thats IT >2. Be conscious of what you >are projecting - do retarded >line exercise until you are >consistently hooking girls >right off that opener >3. Think about the right mix >of Character, Presence and >Positivity that suits and >attracts you >4. You are NEVER REACTIVE. A >girl says "I HATE YOU" - you >say "Have you ever eaten a >lemon?" > >good luck - and always have >fun playing. I am. > >chariot
Nice work man. Good exercise by the way. I can see this being helpful to
anyone at any level.