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mASF post by "Frank T.J. Mackey" posted on: mASF forum: Advanced Discussion, August 8, 2005think of the most RETARTED, SILLY thing to say to a girl (not anything sexual
or disgusting)...
for example: "My dad has three green cats and one pink one"
walk up to a girl and spit your retarded line as an opener then just sit there
- totally unreactive.
if she runs away - you DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT MIX
if she looks super weirded out - you DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT MIX
> This is so fucking money and it's 100% true my good friend odin danneskjold
talks utter bullshit alot and girls never ever find him weird will try it out.
>It's funny what you say about beliefs and it's true because I've been in the
game for about a year now and I'm just starting to get good and I've noticed
that I'm starting to genuinely believe stuff like "she wants me" no matter how
she is reacting to me and that I am the prize and she is chasing me. I'm
finding there is a huge difference from when I first started out and I'd tell
myself that she wants me and that I am the prize, to now when I actually
believe this stuff for real no matter how crazy it might seem because she may
be acting totally cold to me.
Unless otherwise noted, this article is Copyright©2005 by
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