mASF post by "APHRODISIAC" posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, July 7, 2005On 7/4/05 7:02:00 PM, burning_chrome wrote: >So I have been noticing an >abundance of AFCs posing as >PUAs giving absolutely >horrible advice, if you can >even call it that. Usually it >is nothing more than childish >name calling, without any >usable info what so ever. The >also show their true colors >though by coming to fairly >unintelligent conclusions. >The story below is intended to >not only to show people >seeking advice that most of >the advice given needs to be >taken with a grain of salt, >but also give some perspective >to APHRODISIAC and any other >members who have never had a >woman find them attractive in >their entire lives:
really?, omg. you are
> >Recently I was talking with a >woman on and offline, and she >had expressed a fair amount of >interest in having sex with >me. I wanted to meet her >before we had sex, so I >recommended a movie. Our >schedules kept conflicting, >and finally we had a day that >we could both get together. I >called her asking me to call >me back if she wanted to do >that, and she never did. The >next day I sent her an email >that she needs to return my >calls if she wants to get >together with me.
totally wrong. if i say err, AFC, WOULD THAT BE WRONG!
She sent me >back an email saying I got >pissed off way to easily and >that maybe we shouldn't get >together, and that gave me >some seemingly bullshit >reasons for why she never >called me back or even sent me >an email. I gave her the >benefit of the doubt and >apologies if I had misjudged >her.
you apologised, OMG.
A couple of days later I >sent her an email asking her >to give me her schedule for >the week if she still wanted >to go out.
I know that she >read it, but several days went >by and she didn't respond.
she thought ' what a wuss'.
> >Now if I had posted this story >at this point I am sure a lot >of the AFC would tell me that >I shouldn't be talking to her >on the net, that I should grow >some balls and that I >shouldn't have apologized,
lol, ok. that is what afc's would tell you. so what would pua's tell you? keeep
apologising and buy her floweres?
>that I never had a chance >because I am too much of a >pussy, blah blah blah.
you really ARE! > >But after a week after I sent >her that email, she sent me a >reply with her upcoming >schedule and 3 different >suggestions of what we could >do.
> >Another incident involves >talking with a girl whom >showed a lot of interest >initially, but then didn't >return an email.
I saw her >out and she was making eyes at >me, later she stood up next to >me at the bar. But then when >I talked to her she act like >she didn't know who I was >until I told her.
and you still talked to her?
She kept >giving me mixed messages, and >when we where done talking she >said she would come find me >before she left, which she >didn't.
why would she? btw would she do the same for style, ox , tom cruise, brad
pitt??? THINK FOOL.
> >Now an AFC like APHRODISIAC >would see any optimism in this >incident to be Mental >Masturbation, but I asked her >out a week later and we are >currently dating. >
have you FUCKED HER? well, i THINK you are lying! if not, she is a gold digger.
ahh too many other explanations?
>The fact is, is too many of >you folks trying to give >advice don't know the >difference between playing the >numbers game until you find a >girl who is willing to settle >for you and actually having >women wanting to seduce and >posses you, since it has never >happened to you.
burning chrome, my pre masf lays are probably more than your age.
If a woman >does want you, she is going to >fuck with you a bit.
NO! not really she is gonna want to be with you asap since YOU ARE THE PRIZE!
I >understand in your world a >woman giving mixed messages >means she is a waste of time, >but please try to understand >that for guys with more to >offer that I woman could >actually be trying to seduce >the guy. Don't be so naive to >think that women don't play >these games too, just because >they don't think that you are >worth the effort
. > >Not to say APHRODISIAC that >your advice on openers doesn’t >have value,
the 25 dollar one? well, It was my opinion. and wont argue here
on the contrary, >you probably have much more >experience with that then most >guys, since you interactions >with women seem to rarely move >past that point. >
ok, psychic again?
>Another thing, don't believe >that acting like an asshole >makes you seem like a player.
>I have conversed with >Formhandle, who was very >constructive in his feedback, >and never nasty. Who do you >think is more likely to act >like an asshole, Hugh Heffner >or some guy who makes minimum >wage, and has no friends or >love/sex life? Most of you >people are resembling the >later it seems.
It is >important to acknowledge this >because women will pick up on >it, and they will not want to >sleep with you. > >My advice for all of this?
sounds boring already
>Well first off realize that >you aren’t what you think you >are. You are only fooling >yourself, not the women you >want to sleep with. >Secondly, get your life >together outside of PUing.
no wonder you posted 7 messages after 7 days of your log in!!!
>You will find that you will >find less need to go on the >internet pretending to be >something you aren’t and will >become more comfortable with >yourself. Being comfortable >with yourself will make women >comfortable with you, making >them feel comfortable sleeping >with you.
lol, ok top pua.
I have no advice for you! oh btw, the reason you wrote all this is coz you got
PHASED by me saying that you get the award for being the biggest mental
Beta male???
best regards...