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Original discussion thread:
> Well....
> I'm not sure about the neg hits. Like a girl I know says...
> "I'd rather get pos hits then negative ones"
> I don't view girls in term of numbers
rating women reveals their social standing. girls who are natural 10s have a
defense mechanism that is designed over time to get rid of the 15 men A DAY who
approach them out of the blue. I have gone out with 10s and they have to deal
with this as a part of their life. they are very good at getting rid of the guys
usually without having to say fuck off. This is a SHIELD that 10s have. 8s and
under dont HAVE this shield because they didnt HAVE to develope it. When they
dress down, people STOP hitting on them (not so with 10s - when you have a 10
body and face, even without makeup you are a 9!)
> I don't like to BE rated, so I don't rate.
I dont like to be rated either. but that doesnt mean people are going to STOP
judging me. The rating system is used to get a handle on the girls SHIELD level.
To NOT correctly assess the girls shield is to IGNORE this vaualbe piece of
information with regards to her lifestyle and that is therefore ignorance.
I have gone out with PLENTY of 9s and 10s. This is MY particular standard. I
have had relationships with dancers and models and bartenders and strippers too.
They have to deal with the daily barage of men and are used to it. So when you
NEG HIT them (remember it isnt an INSULT) it gets them going.
a 10 is there surrounded by friends. She has put on this BITCH act. Is she
REALLY a bitch? Unlikely. All my girlfriends were wonderful human beings -
beautiful people have it easier because they are beautiful and often times have
better upbringings because of it. BUT - they need to have a standard with which
to uphold when all these NOBODY guys approach her. So her values are very honed
and understood. When a man walks up and says, "can I buy you a beer?" she WILL
be annoyed by this. While the guy thinks he's doing something nice for her, she
gets this ALL the time. She is desensitized to this. You are the 8th guy TODAY!
So she is very good at brushing all these guys off. Shit, she HAS to be ... she
isnt going to sleep with ALL of them! So she may say NO or act annoyed and then
the guy thinks she's a bitch and walks off pissed and feeling like a failure.
and that seems to work. sometimes when the girl is particularly in a feeling of
control (like in a club where she is PREPARED for the barage of men - it IS
afterall something that occurs so often that when it is GONE she MISSES it) she
will accept the beer and then flake the guy off. Hey, the guys are stupid enough
to buy her one, she might as well take it. When they take a beer from you, the
girl is saying to you, "I dont know you and I dont care about you. you are just
another one of those typical guys and since I dont respect you, Ill take the
beer from you before I snub you." I was with my friend diane (the 10) and her
cute friend (an 8.5 maybe I guess). A guy came up and asked, "I dont mean to
bother you but would you like to dance with me?" The 8.5, not being used to this
said, "ummm, ahhh ..." and the guy gave a puppy dog look and I was smiling at
her knowing how pathetic the guy was so I saw the humjour in the situation and
the girl said, "ummm, why not. sure." The guy said, "REALLY? are you SURE? Wow,
I NEVER get girls to dance with me." What a pathetic loser. She started talking
with diane and the guy just standing there and they never went for the dance.
weird eh? He then said ... to ME ... "Can I buy her a beer?" I said, "you can
buy ME a beer ... but youll have to ask HER." At this point I knew he was being
a hassle to her, she wasnt interested in the slightest and felt uncomfortable. I
thought is was great to see this occur in front of me - it was highly
educational and moreso entertaining. So I say, "Hey, the guy wants to buy you a
beer :)" Im getting into this now hahahaa. It was great. The girl goes, "ummm,
no thank you." Now diane (the 10) says, "yes, she'll take the beer." So he buys
her a beer. And then he never talks to her again! Weird eh? Well thats how it
went down.
I digressed. oh well, steady stream of text from my brain ... Ill trudge on
(sorry reader) ... since a 10 is so GOOD at snuffing your approach (nothing ever
personal either - it is a strategy that is built over years of stupid guys
approaches EVERY FUCKING DAY, she will do the same to YOU. That is why SNUFFING
THEM is important. You cant INSULT them because they are used to all the hurt
guys INSULTING them (ahh you are nothing but a bitch!) so this rolls off their
back like water off a muskrats ass. How do you SNUFF them withOUT INSULTING
them? Well, let's say she has long nails which are mostlikely fake. Now why do
10s dress so FINE if they dont want the attention? Becuase they LOVE the feeling
of control sometimes. they are in a club with friends and they want to be the
leader of the circle (social hierarcy in primates) and so she gets all the
attention. The guys come and buy drinks for them and she gets off on knocking
the guys down. Its all in a days play. Ok, so she is wearing fake nails to look
even BETTER! Most guys will say, "wow you are so beautiful." BORING, ypical and
in her mind by now (after years of the same shit) TRUE. Imagine a guy comes
along and says, "nice nails? are they real?" she will have to conciede, "no.
acrylic." and you say (like you didnt notice it was a put down), "oh. (pause)
well I guess they still LOOK good." Then he turns his back to her. What does
this do to her? Well, he didnt treat her like shit and INSULT her. He
complimented her but the result was to targert her insecurity. She thinks, "IM
HOT IM BEAUTIFUL (especially in that emotional state of control as in the
public) ... but I didnt win this guy over. IM SO GOOD at this. ILL just fix that
little smear on my image that he has of me." then you continue to show
disinterest in her looks as you give her a neutral topic like the elvis script.
during this her intention is to get you to become like all the other guys so she
can feel in control and snuff you and you then give her another NEG HIT like
this ... "is that a hair piece? well, its neat ... what do you call this
hairstyle? The waffle? :)" Smile and look at her to show her you are sincerely
being funny and not insulting. You are pleasant but disinterested in her beuaty.
This will intrigue her because she KNOWS guys. And this isnt normal. You must
have really high taste, or be used to girls or be married or something. These
questions make her CURIOUS. So this keeps happening and is known as FLIRTING.
She give you little neg hits and these tests are qualifiers. You pass them by
neg hitting her back. Afterall, you arent like the others showing interest. But
... why? to get control again she says, "will you buy me a drink?" notice how
she is trying to get you now! BUT, she only wants to sucker you in enough so she
can SNUFF you. That is all she is about - this strategy is all she knows and its
not working for you so she is trying to do damage control on the situation. But
at the same time she doesnt quite understand WHY you dont think you are great.
Afterall, her nails ARE fake. you say, "ahhh, thats so funny ... you nose moves
when you speak .... (pointing and being cute) look there it goes again ... its
so ... quaint ... hheeeee looky" :D She'll say, "ahhh, stoppp! :) *blush*. Now
she is self conscious and having her in this state is where you want her. You
have with 3 neg hits successfully created INTEREST (curiousity) and removed her
from her pedetral (removed her bitch shield. You were humourous, you had a
smile, you dress well, you are confident and everything she would want in a man.
You didnt take her shit. OH, and when she asked you for a beer, you said, "no. I
dont buy girls drinks. but you can buy ME one." You are qualifying HER now. If
she buys you a beer, this is symbolic of her RESPECT for you. If not you say,
"pleasure meeting you" and turn your back to her again. DONT walk away just turn
your back. you are neg hitting them again just when they thought she was negging
YOU. That is teasing eachother. That is the first step to flirting. This is all
textbook psychology. simple stuff and it works enough for me to have had 58
girls in 6 years.
A NEG HIT is a qualifier. The girl is FAILING to meet your high expectations.
Its not an insult, just a judement call on your part. The better looking the
girl, the more aggressive you must be with using neg hits. a 10 can get 3 neg
hits up front, while an 8 only 1 or 2 over a longer time. You CAN go overboard
if they think you are BETTER than them. you can drop the self-esteem right from
under them (just like most 10s do to guys) and this isnt good. You have to get
as close to the breaking point as you can without crossing the line. Once you
have gotten her RIGHT THERE, you can start appreciating things about her (NEVER
LOOKS). there is a mutual RESPECT now. something most guys never get from the
This is how you remove a bitch shield. 3 neg hits aughta do it within 2 or 3
minutes of neuatral chat. once it is down, you can from a mutural respect place,
seduce her.